
Should I try to convince mom to go to sister's shower?

I don't feel like going into the story again so long story short ... my mom is not happy with my sister, my sister is mad at my mom and my sisters are mad at each other. Oy. Middle's sister's shower is tomorrow, mom isn't going anymore. I'm going to suck it up and go even though she (sis) has upset me recently, too. I just hate all the bickering and tension. They all drive me bsc but I do love them and think this is one of those things they will look back on and regret.

So, should I try to convince my mom to go? I know it's not up to me but I'll hear about this from both sides when it's all over and done. I already feel like I'm betraying one when I talk to the other. It's like my parents' divorce all over again.


Re: Should I try to convince mom to go to sister's shower?

  • I wouldn't bother.

    And I know its not easy for you to do but if they try to yank you into the middle of their beef(s), I'd simply say "you're an adult.  you solve your issue" and I'd leave it at that.

  • what a PITA. I'd probably mention it to mom but if you think there will be more drama with mom going, don't even bother.
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  • You're both right. Ugh. Why can't we be more Brady and less Bundy?


  • I wouldn't.  Maybe just leave her a message or something saying "off to the shower, I hope I see you", but I'm not sure I'd even do that.
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