
I am terrified by the preemie rollercoaster

MY triplet boys were suspoed to come home today...but after their circumcision they needed two tube feeds so their discharge was movied to "maybe" saturday.  But Baby C had an apnea while feeding that they gave hime some O2 for b/c he did not respond right way to the stim. :( Now he will be sent home on a apnea monitor.  His discharge is now unknown.
I know this happens, one step forward, two steps back but....:( I wanted to cry, none of the boys have had any a's or b's for  2 weeks.   I want them to be "ready" to come home but as thier mom...I want them home NOW! :( We had ordered a "welcome home" cake from the local grocery store and i had to call and cancel the order, i almost burst into tears.  And all the nurses at the hosptial treat me like i am crazy b/c i am dissappinted they can't come home.  It's my sons, of course i want them home where i can see them all the time and care for them.  Yes, i do know the ISN is the best place for them until they are ready.  But i am their mom, what do you expect.  Sorry for the vent.  Nobody IRL seems to understand what i am going through and i knew you guys would.
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Re: I am terrified by the preemie rollercoaster

  • I'm so sorry. The rollercoaster is HARD! Hang in there, I hope they are home SOON!
    Abigail Noelle, 8.29.09
    Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
    Claire Zoe, 10.26.10

  • I'm sorry, we had a lot of "false alarms" too and they were devastating days for us. Hang in there!
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  • (((hugs))) the NICU sucks. try to hang in there. soon enough it will all seem like a bad dream.
  • This is 1000% normal.  We had a similar set back and I was truly devistated.  It is virtually impossible when you are living it.  But somehow, you will get through it. I promise.  And you will have those babies home before you know it.  Time moves so slowly when you are desperate for it to hurry up, but then moves at lightning speed once they come home.

    There is nothing we can say to make it better for you, but I want you to know that everyone on this board is pulling for your little boys to make their grand exit sooner rather than later!

    Hard to imagine now, because you are so entrenched in it, but next year at this time you will be giving these same words to someone else.  It is amazing how quickly it all passes.

    Hang in there mama.  You are doing a great job.

    3/22/09 - Lily Grace, born at 33 weeks, 2 days
    9/12/14 - M/C @ 7 weeks, 1 day (ectopic)

  • Huge HUG!!!!!! The NICU rollercoaster SUCKS it hard! Before you know it you boys will be home with you and then before you know it they will be running around driving you crazy! Chin up, Mama!
  • I'm so sorry. Of course you want them home already! :hugs: Don't worry about what the nurses think - they can all go **** themselves if they don't get how you're feeling. Hang in there. I hope there are no more surprises for you.
  • Bless you heart! We went through this several times during our NICU stay. It DOES stink soooo badly, but it gets better.

    Hang in there!!!

  • I'm soo sorry your going through this.  It is such a rollercoaster esp. when your thinking you get to take them home. You're their momma and you want them with you. I think you have every right to be emotional right now and your nurses should def. understand that!
    IVF#1 - 2 Blast Transfered = BFP!!! Identical Triplets&Fraternal = QUADS!! imageLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I am so sorry for all of the ups and downs you are facing.  My thoughts and prayers are with you, that you get to take your boys home real soon!
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  • Hugs! I'm so sorry, I know how disheartening the delays due to apneas and bradys can be. I think I called to check on Katherine 4 or 5 times the last night she was in the NICU. I was terrified she would brady again and the 5 day clock would start over. Luckily she didn't, and I was so thrilled when she could finally come home.  I hope your boys are home soon!
    TTC#1 since Mar 2008. Serious MFI due to cancer. 3 cancelled IUI's, just about every test in the book. IVF#1 - BFP! Twin girls arrived 2/5/10 at 35w2d. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • It is really hard dealing with the delays. The last two weeks we were in the NICU they kept telling us we were coming home in a couple of days and it kept getting pushed back. I just cried and cried.
    A small start at 2lb 9oz, 60 day NICU stay, and 6 months of O2 My 30 weeker is growing up! <a href="
  • I am so sorry hun. I know first hand the disappointment of having a discharge date only for something to happen.  It sucks and I cried for days.  I had to tell myself she would get home eventually.  They can't stay in the NIC-U until they are 18 even though Lily tried!
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