So my husband and I watch Vampire Diaries (b/c we're obviously very cool).
(Stefan and Damon)
Anyway, we're watching it now, and this is the convo:
Me: I'd totally do Damon over Stefan (he's the good brother - Damon is bad). Wouldn't you?
MH: (laughing) Neither, it's not like it's Dave Grohl or something.
Re: this is amusing
lead singer of the Foo Fighters - he was the drummer in Nirvana
We both love him, I don't know why. But we talked about inviting him to our wedding.
ok so, um, WHO is the guy on the right ??????????????? ?
He's mine. MINE
Your DH is awesome. ?He can have Dave Grohl as long as I get the dude on the right and Johnny Depp in the same room together. ?mmmm
That's Damon, yo! Well I guess his real name is Ian Somerhalder.
He's so yummy and on this show he's straight up hilarious and inappropriate. I want to jump him non-stop.
right up my alley LOL
My DH actually suggested the name Damon for our baby if its a boy. We're likely not to go with it but its #2 on the short list. (Dominic is #1)
And I would so do Damon on the show too! I like the bad ones!
DH and I just finished tonight's episode! And Damon? Yes, PLEASE!!! YUM!!!!
Have you ever seen 'Rules of Attraction'? It was originally a book by the author of 'American Psycho', Bret Ellis (and YUM to Christian Bale in that movie). Anyway, Ian Somerhalder was in it and is a totally scrawny little gay college kid. I was blown away when I saw how manly he had become for Vampire Diaries! And yes, sometimes I like gross reading!
doesn't your dh look a little like him? In the eyes maybe? I know I've seen a pic of your DH a looong time ago.
Eyes yeah. He usually has a cute boyish grin going on, but he can do a good evil glint when he wants to :-)?
You have a crazy memory! ?The rest, howevah, um no.