
Anyone have a radian carseat?

What do you think of it?  With #3 on the way there are times we will need to go 3 across in our Highlander (we do have a 3rd row, but when we need the storage space in the back it won't be an option).  DD current convertible seat (Alpha Omega) is super wide and I am looking at replacing it.


Rebecca- mom to 3 kids: DS born 2005, DD born 2007 and DS born 2010.

Re: Anyone have a radian carseat?

  • I love ours.  We have the 80. DD loves it too.  She will be in it until about 7 or 8 years in the 5 point.  It is pretty easy to install.  About as easy as the roundabout. 
  • I have two and I love them!  Highly recommend!
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  • We have one and love it.  I wish I had known about it before we bought DD's Marathon.
  • DD looks comfy in ours and she would complain if she wasn't. It's very narrow on the outside, but plenty wide on the inside. The only downside is that if you need it RFing, it takes up a LOT of room front to back.
    - Jena
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