
Clicky Poll: Near death experiences

Just a random poll. Last night I remembered that the morning after my HS prom, my boyfriend at the time fell asleep at the wheel and drove in front of a dump truck.  It just missed us, on my side of the car. 

Another time, as a 6 year old kid, I fell out of a moving car and rolled across the highway in front of yes, a dump truck which just missed me.  How many near-death experiences have you had?  [Poll]

Re: Clicky Poll: Near death experiences

  • None really although I've been riding around the trains in NYC since I was 14 at all hours of the night. I used to get off work at 11pm and ride the train home. Other than the occassional dude whacking off across from me, I've been very lucky! lol
  • imagexbrooklyngrl:
    Other than the occassional dude whacking off across from me, I've been very lucky! lol
    Really ~ I was scared to ride the train to work when I moved & that was going to be my only way there, because of these kind of stories, but our trains out here (S. Cal.) are so not like that.  They are nice & most people are friendly & just listen to their i-pods & read.
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