
Tell me about your nursery!!

DH and I are trying to figure out what to do with our twin's nursery... Same bedding or different, two cribs or one to start, etc.  I think we are going to get two cribs right off the bat and get too different bedding sets - but it is hard to match them....and since we are Team Green- we will be sticking with neutrals...

What did you do/are you doing for your nursery?



BFP July 09 - m/c Aug 09
BFP Nov 09 - c/p Dec 09
BFP Dec 09 - A&J born in August 2010 at 37w, 6d
BFP Sept 11 - ectopic pregnancy/left tube removed
BFP April 12 - E born December 2012 at 39w, 1d

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Re: Tell me about your nursery!!

  • We will be having two cribs in the room right off the bat.  Our toddler and the twins will be sharing a room eventually, since we have only two real bedrooms in our house.  I *think* I am going to do a jungle theme since we will have two boys and girl, or maybe something nautical.  I am still tossing around ideas.  I always think animals are safe bet.  GL!  Decorating a nursery is so much fun.
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  • kegkeg member
    I'm pretty boring--We bought two cribs, but only set one up in the beginning.  DDs shared that one until they were about 7 months.  I didn't even bother with bedding sets and just got two sets of matching sheets that coordinate with each other.  I figured it wasn't worth the $ to buy sets when I'd only really be using the sheets.  I did get two sets of the mesh bumpers and they have served us well.  Oh, and Ultimate Cribs Sheets.  Our walls are yellow, the furniture white, and their sheets are white with green and brown (one set has some pink dots too), so we're pretty neutral anyway.  Other than that, no real theme.  Maybe when they get old enough to have an interest, I'll do something different. ;-) 
    2004-Started TTC; Nov 2007-Lap with endo removed; Jan 2008-Ectopic (mtx); April 2008-IVF #1 (bfp, twin girls); March 2011-FET (cp); June 2012-IVF #2 (bfp, singleton, EDD 3-19-12)

    ***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***

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  • We bought two cribs because I wanted them to match.  And they girls only stayed in the same crib for maybe a month, though I think it was only a couple of weeks.  They moved too much so we needed the two cribs.  You could get coordinating colors to use in the nursery.
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  • i love dr. seuss's, "one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish" for b/g.  or something else that's fun.  neutral can be nice too!  you can do same bedding, but with accent colors on each for boy, and girl.  artwork over the crib can distinguish/brighten as well.

    we are still not finished our nursery!  working on artwork now Tongue Tied so it will be finished by their 1st birthday!

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  • We have two cribs. Our colours for the nursery are red, blue, and white. I didn't get bedding sets but I rather bought individual items to make it go. Lucas has blue and white and Elena has red and white. We wanted one theme that would work for the both of them. It's very vibrant and fun.

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  • We used pink bedding for her and blue for him (just Clouds and Stars sheets - highly recommend!) and PB Kids crib skirts.  The rug pulls it together and we accessorized with brown. Still need to decorate the wallls, but I'm looking forward to going to art fairs and so on this summer to find ideas.

  • imagejanjag:

    i love dr. seuss's, "one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish" for b/g.  or something else that's fun.  neutral can be nice too!  you can do same bedding, but with accent colors on each for boy, and girl.  artwork over the crib can distinguish/brighten as well.

    we are still not finished our nursery!  working on artwork now Tongue Tied so it will be finished by their 1st birthday!


    Love the Dr. Suess bedding too!  We ending up using this b/c it's cheaper and with 4 beds we needed to go a bit more neutral. haha Stick out tongue

    IVF#1 - 2 Blast Transfered = BFP!!! Identical Triplets&Fraternal = QUADS!! imageLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Pics of the boys' nursery is in my bio. We did gender-neutral since we didn't find out what they were ahead of time.
    How to tell my boys apart

    The different types of twins and triplets
    Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
    My blog * We made the national news!
  • We have one boy and two girls. We chose to do the nursery walls and ceiling in a bright, almost teal color. Then we dedicated walls to each with their names in block letters. Criton's (the boy) wall has trucks, sports symbols, a monkey and lion figures. The girls have cute animals, flowers, and things of that nature on their walls. All the beds are a little different. The girls both have white, just different styles. Criton has a dark wood color.

    Instead of just choosing one theme I went eclectic and mixed different ones but they all flow together nicely.

    Here are some pics from my old blog. These were taken when we were just getting it together.
  • We did dark cherry furniture, two cribs, changing table and dresser. Not all the same brand since some furniture brands were having sales at different times. We rent on base, so we kept the walls white, but I added accent colors like a blue toy cubicle, blue curtains and the valance that came with the bedding.  The theme is animals and aquariums. I have stuffed animals in a net in the corner and a poster between the cribs called "Jungle Fish". We have a nautical theme throughout the house so we just carried with the theme!
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  • Thanks ladies!! I'm going to start figuring out the nursery soon - so it's nice to have some ideas!
    BFP July 09 - m/c Aug 09
    BFP Nov 09 - c/p Dec 09
    BFP Dec 09 - A&J born in August 2010 at 37w, 6d
    BFP Sept 11 - ectopic pregnancy/left tube removed
    BFP April 12 - E born December 2012 at 39w, 1d

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • we did 2 cribs right away, the mammut cribs from ikea, pink & blue.  their theme is puppy dogs since we have 3 dogs and I want them to all love each other.
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