Toddlers: 24 Months+

Jumping Beans shoe sizing ?

Hi Ladies,

I was looking at getting my daughter a pair of Jumping Beans shoes from Kohl's, but wasn't sure about what size to order.  She wears a size 7 toddler in most shoes, but based on their foot sizing chart I printed out, she would wear an 8 1/2-9.  Does this seem accurate in your opinion?  TIA!

Natalie 7.27.07/Lukas 5.29.09/Noah 3.4.11/Brooke 7.31.12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: Jumping Beans shoe sizing ?

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    DD wears the same size in the JB shoes as she does everything else. I would go with the size she normally wears.
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    BJKLBJKL member

    DD wears the same size in the JB shoes as she does everything else. I would go with the size she normally wears.

    This!  I bought my DS some sandals for this summer that are so cute!

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    I love JB shoes!  Especially on sale, the price can't be beat.  And for how quickly LO grows, I don't want to pay more.  She wore the same size, or maybe 1/2 size larger, but not bigger than that.
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