I started using the Up&Up diapers with Kyle for the last 4 months or so before he was potty trained last year and LOVED them. I vowed to no longer be a Pampers snob and try them out from the get-go with baby#3. I have searched 4 different Targets and just yesterday finally found the Up&Up diapers in newborn size (seems many of the Targets don't carry newborn). When I opened the bag, I was bit disappointed they didn't have the cute blue and green polka dots on them (one of my favorites traits of their diapers) but aside from that, I am wondering if anyone out there has used these during the newborn stage and how they worked out? I also have a stock pile of Pampers Swaddlers that I bought on clearance but would like to buy more Up&Up brand if they are effective with newborns. Any experiences???
Re: Target brand newborn diapers?
What?! No polka dots? What's on them instead?
LOL- they are just plain white- no design at all. I guess they don't think newborns like to be stylish. That is one of the best things about them, isn't it???
Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
Actually, I kind-of like that they're plain white from a photography standpoint. But, yes. The polka dots are so cute! Much better than oooooog-lay cartoon characters!
Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
I use them and really like them. They say under 10 lbs, but are the same size as NB Pampers. They aren't as soft as Pampers, but they get the job done for DS. They are hard to find, so I bought 3 bags this week, as many as I could reach since they were on the top shelf and I'm only 5' 3".
I actually like that they are plain so you can't see the pattern underneath.
Christmas 2011
The size 1 up and up diapers are big for our LO. We had to buy pampers size 1 until he can fit into the others. I think they do they same job though and save money as well. Our 2 yr. old wears them as well and works for us!
That is good to know. I bought the "newborn" size, not the size 1. I have found that it is hard to find both the NB and the size 1. Many Targets only carry size 2 and up. I didn't stock-up on the NB because I have no idea how big my baby will be but I do know I will have a c-section at 36-37 weeks so I don't imagine he'll be enormous.
Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005