Background: I posted a while ago about how I suspected our dentist was doing unneeded procedures on us because we have good insurance and he just wanted to increase his billings. He proposed a ridiculous procedure on my 4 yo that involved drilling into her perfectly healthy, decay-free teeth to put in "preventative" fillings. So I asked around and found out this is not commonly done on primary teeth. We switched dentists and our new dentist told me my daughter did NOT have the deep pits in her teeth that the old dentist claimed she had. Since then, I mentioned going to a new dentist to a friend, she said they just switch dentists, also. Turns out, they had the same original dentist and stopped seeing him because he was always pressuring them to have work done that they suspected wasn't needed.
When I switched dentists, the new one asked me to get a copy of DD's last x-rays but I didn't because I knew it would cause a lot of drama when I told them I was leaving the practice. So they have no idea we've already had our regular appointments with the new dentist.
So this morning I get a message confirming an appointment for DD this Friday. I guess I made it 6 months ago and forgot. I put off calling to cancel the appointment because I know with certaintly that this pushy dentist will call me and give me a hard time about switching. So I just got another call--the appointment right after DD's just cancelled and they noticed I never scheduled the cleaning I was due for in March and they'll just pencil me into that slot and please call to confirm this is ok...
They're taking pushy to new extremes. I'm about to call to let them know neither DD nor I will be coming back for anything. I bet I get a call from the dentist this evening trying to push me into coming back to his practice.
Re: This is not going to go well.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
my family's old dentist was this way- I was supposed to schedule a TMJ surgery with his colleague and then I moved cross country- my new dentist was horrified to think that they were going to operate on my jaw because he said it isn't nearly as bad as that. it appeared that I had lots of unnecessary things done by this chump and his oral surgeon partner...or was I the chump?
Get the xrays anyway. You're entitled to anything in your chart. You don't have to tell them why.
I'm mad FOR you, gimme their number, I have 15min to kill. LOL
We had the same problem with a dentist. DH supposedly had 9 fillings & one crown & SS had 14 & 2 root canals.
New dentist DH had one crown SS had 4 fillings
I'm filing a claim with the state to let them now how the other dentist does business.
I left a practice like that as well. I was alternating between tears and white anger the last time I had a appointment w/ them. At the practice, they had a cute, blond, perky dentist that would come in all nice, tell you a few issues. Then the office manager came in and laid it down, with every single service costing an insane amount, and oh yea, insurance doesn't cover it. I talked w/ a friend who is a dental hygenist and she was like, ah, no. X Y and Z should be covered, etc. To top it off, I got a deep cleaning done there. She fuckingleft dried blood between my teeth. I'd had a similar procedure done before and hadn't walked out looking like I'd been beaten.
That is the second azzhole denist office we've been to that pulled shitt like that. Sorry you are dealing w/ it too. When they called for my follow up appt, I'd already changed and forgot to tell them. The office manager was pissed. Oh well. I didn't trust them one effing bit.
Sorry. That's my soapbox issue since I've been through it twice!
Christmas 2011
Do you happen to live in the i.e.?
WOW! I'm very fortunate. The ped dentist i have for the kids couldn't be more perfect.
Just tell them you want the xrays, you are entitled to them and you're switching. Period.
yes. We went back to our old dentist. Should have never left.
Christmas 2011
OMG you just described my situation with our old dentist about a year ago. My DH kept telling me that they were trying to do unnecessary things on us and everytime he went they kept pushing invisaline on him. It took me a long time before I realized that I was there like every three months getting a cleaning and everyone I talked to said that it was too many visits. I had to break up with the dentist and I was afraid because I knew they would ask why and try and coax me back in and I'm weak I would've fallen for it so I made DH do it. He called to get our stuff transferred to the new dentist because I'm a big chicken. Best thing I've done though, I only see the dentist every six months like everyone with a honest dentist. Good luck.
ETA My DH just reminded me that right after we left we got a bill in the mail from the ex-dentist for we weren't sure what it was for but I was mad and decided I wasn't paying it because they got enough of my money. Sure enough they haven't sent another bill and they haven't called looking for their money, scam artist.