I'm going to avoid any indication of my reaction b/c I want to know if I'm being rational. My older sister lives several states away. She's a hobbiest/small time professional photographer. She's taking a continuing ed type class at a nearby technical school. Her college aged daughter has attended one class to be a model. So yesterday, I get this message on Facebook (not wall post, message) (all names have been changed):
ETA: the instructor is an older gentleman if that makes any difference
Re: How would you react to this?
Okay good - this is exactly what I was thinking too. I kept reading it over and over trying to make sure I wasn't missing something. And actually the instructor is an older man, so I'm a little creeped out by the whole thing. It may be totally innocent, but I'm just weirded out.
OMG EW! Yep, not going to reply.