

thanks hon. I need all of the good juju I can get.

How are you doing? What comes next? 


  • Oh girly, I've got buckets of juju for you!  Everyday.

    What's your protocol this time around?

    For us, I have my 2nd lap scheduled for next Tuesday.  Yikes.  I'm actually just hoping they find something.  Our RE said he was so shocked our last cycle didn't work, that it must be failure to implant b/c of the endo.  I really hope we don't have to do more than 3 IVFs, obviously b/c of the emotional, physical and financial toll each cycle takes.  I am on the verge of morphing into a bitter, cranky girl.  Seriously.

    So after the lap next week AF should come within a few days and then BCPs.  We also have a trip to Italy in late May which I am tryign to divert my attention too (thus far unsuccessful).


    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Ah, I did the same thing with our trip to Paris. And it made me feel like I was totally ready to tackle IVF #2 by the time I got back. And then I took my first lupron shot and lost my sh!t. LOL. False hope? It was worth it though. It was nice to just be alone with my husband for a week and not have a cycle to talk about and such.

    You will have fun.

    I totally get what you're saying. I was crying again last night and I told my husband that I hope this cycle works because I don't know if I have the strength to make it through another cycle.  They just get harder and harder.

    I'm doing long lupron again. We stuck with our first RE for this cycle. I think his changes to my protocol will be the ticket. And if they're not?well I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

    I mean in some ways it's kind of good to have done this before b/c the RE knows you and your body and you can make demands on what you want done. But the mental stress is almost tangible at times.  

    I hope that it was the endo that was the problem because that is SO fixable. I'm keeping my fingers (and toes and eyes) crossed for your next cycle.

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  • Tangible indeed.  I swear I am a changed person b/c of all of this.  Even if we have kids eventually, I will never look at pregnancy or babies the same. 

    On a side note, SU?  All of my besties went to SU... what year are you?

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • graduated in 2001. Your besties? Are you an upstater or a NYer?
  • They are all 2000, and we're in NYC :)
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • bahaha. You will have to PM me some names and I will tell you if I know them. I bartended at Maggies, Konrads and then Harry's while I was there. If they drank, they probably knew me LOL.
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