
Wow - this beats Le-a (LeDasha)



Not even sure what to say.....but for somereason I have the ThunderCats theme song running in my head now

Re: Wow - this beats Le-a (LeDasha)

  • Well, La-a's mom had to come up with something when she had her little boy!
  • Someone is seriously naming their child LeDasha and using a dash mark in place of spelling it?  AYFKM??
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  •'s true...and sad
  • imagekittycarr:
    Someone is seriously naming their child LeDasha and using a dash mark in place of spelling it?  AYFKM??

    Not only is it happening, but I had a mom who had the nerve to get angry with me because I didn't know how to pronounce it.

  • WTF?  You're gonna give your kid some f*cked up spelling for a name and get mad at me because I don't know how to say it? Who in the hell......??

    I'd think it was Lea but given the dash, I'd just think there was emphasis on the a like Le uh or something, as though it were two words, kwim?

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