well my 1 1/2 hour commute has finnally hit me...or rather I hit it - it being the car in front of me yesterday.
Accidents happen, and yeah, I was definately at fault - we were going 5 miles an hour and some deer ran in front of the line of traffic on the highway. Anyway the guy I hit was a complete jerk, until I mentioned to call 911 as I was pregnant and in pain. Then he stopped calling me a "fat idiot" and tried to hug me...hum...no.
Thankfully the baby is ok...but I was an emptional wreck. I have never been so scared - not for me at all - only for the baby.
That all said I am desperate to move to the west coast. I am not an east-coast gal, I am just too laid back. My automatic responce to the guy I hit and in any accident regardless of who is at fault is "are you ok? do you need an ambulance" NOT "What the F--K is your problem you stupid fat b*thch?" ARG! So the hubby and I are looking at houses in Seattle and plan to move back in October right after the baby is born.
Sorry needed to vent about that scary experience.
Re: Scary...
What a douche...
Glad you and LO are okay though!
omg how scary!! and what a jackass:( I'm glad you're both ok!
I am also sick of New England drivers and their bad attitudes... good luck with the move! I'm hoping to do the same thing soon
THIS! what a di*kface! I would have kicked him in his shin! Glad you guys are ok.
That is scary! But I'm glad you and LO are okay.
It's a shame that guy was a jerk! Although I'm an east-coast gal and would like to think not all east-coast people are that rude.
What a douche. Hahaha, yeah, I understand how you feel - I lived in St. Louis before moving to Connecticut.
That being said, I have grown accustomed to the lifestyle here, and the last time I visited my mum in STL, I wanted to stick a needle in my eye as I was driving. LOL
But,...I will say this: the last time I was rear-ended, it was because the jerk behind me was on his cellie, and wasn't paying attention to all the traffic - he actually hit me pretty hard - hard enough that my bike-rack that I keep on the spare tire in the back of my Jeep, went THROUGH his hood. Tough cookies to him. He didn't want to call the police, I told him too bad, he's the jerk who didn't give a flying shiit if he hit anyone or not. I was fine, the bike-rack and spare tire absorbed all the impact...his car wasn't.
I understand accidents happen, and they are obviously not on purpose - but at the same time, I do my best to pay as much attention to what's going around me at all times (and yes, sometimes, I'm guilty of cellie-talk while driving, but I always slow down and make sure I leave enough space). Not to mention that if you're doing 5 mph, to hit the person in front of you because you can't stop in time, you're probably too close to his bumper to begin with.
I'm going to make an AWESOME big brother.