Do you find the youngest becomes a 3rd wheel? We just found out we are having boy #3 and my biggest fear in having another boy is he will be odd man out. At least if we had a girl, she could do her own thing. My first two boys are only 18 months apart and very close buddies. It's hard to imagine a younger brother fitting in. Just wanted to hear your experiences-good or bad. Thanks!
Re: If you have 3 of the same gender...
Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
I think it's too early for me to really tell, but so far T has jumped in and made himself one of the gang. My older two play games with each other that he can't really play yet, but they also do a lot of physical play, and he loves to join in. I'm constantly having to remind them that he's smaller and not as steady on his feet as they are, so they need to be more gentle with him.