
If you have 3 of the same gender...

Do you find the youngest becomes a 3rd wheel?  We just found out we are having boy #3 and my biggest fear in having another boy is he will be odd man out.  At least if we had a girl, she could do her own thing.  My first two boys are only 18 months apart and very close buddies.  It's hard to imagine a younger brother fitting in.  Just wanted to hear your experiences-good or bad.  Thanks!

Re: If you have 3 of the same gender...

  • I have 3 girls and they're all pretty good about playing together.  If anything my oldest gets left out but that's because she'd rather be off with friends. 
  • I am having boy#3 and I actually was worried about the opposite of this.  I really wanted a girl but knew (well, hope) that if it was a boy, he would have two instant buddies with his big brothers.  My first two are such active playmates that why wouldn't #3 fit right in.  I am sure they will fight as much as they play, but I am hopeful that they'll stick together :)
    Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
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  • I think it's too early for me to really tell, but so far T has jumped in and made himself one of the gang.  My older two play games with each other that he can't really play yet, but they also do a lot of physical play, and he loves to join in.  I'm constantly having to remind them that he's smaller and not as steady on his feet as they are, so they need to be more gentle with him.

  • My first two are seventeen months apart and inseperable.  So yep, my third is a third wheel.  When one or the other of the older ones are in preschool (they go alternating days) the one left with the baby plays with her great.  I think a huge part of this is that she is still under two and not as much fun to play with as the older sisters, but that will change as she gets bigger and talks more.  It doesn't seem to bother the baby though, she just jumps in and plays with them anyway or finds her own thing to do.
    Proud Mommy to Kaylie 12-04, Alaina 5-06 & Annalise 6-08 imageimage
  • My #3 is still young (10.5mo) but I don't really feel like it will be that way.  They already are dying to play with her & include her in anything they possibly can.  They fight over her--they both adore her so much.  If anything I worry about #2--because she's a typical middle personality & I can just tell DD#1 & #3 already have such a fondness for one another.  But I think next year when DD#1 is in K full-time--DD#2 & DD#3 will bond more then.  My girls are all about 28mo apart.
    AKA Carol*Brady! IHO my upcoming 10yr Nestiversary--Back to old screenname. My own Marsha, Jan & Cindy... imageDesigning a Life Blog
  • Thanks everyone!
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