Every since I got pg, my old deoderant stopped working. I have been switching brands and trying different types. Nothing has worked. I have super sensitive skin and most make me itch. Yes, my armpits itch all the time. Wonderful image, right?
A few weeks ago, I tried DH's Degree for Men. a.w.e.s.o.m.e. It smells like DH, so I love it. Plus, it works.
So I smell like a man...in a good way.
Re: I have a confession.
lol! At least you found something that worked! Otherwise you could have grown out your armpit hair and embraced the whole natural woman thing
P.S. You wanna know what is worse than itchy pits? An itchy c/s scar!! Bad place to scratch lol
Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
Claire Zoe, 10.26.10
Im glad im not the only one. SO laughs at me when I am getting ready cause I put baby powder on my armpits. Hey, it works for me.
SO has had to use mine every once in a while too. But he is the opposite, he likes it. He also uses girly body wash and a loofa.
Men's deodorant smells better anyway:)
Sometimes I use DH's old spice soap just for the heck of it lol!