So I went to my Re yesterday to have an ultrasound done to see if he could see any remaining tissue. He didn't find anything. I had another beta draw which came back 315 (my last beta was over 200). Dr says that there's tissue hanging out somewhere but not where they can see it. So now I have to go and have a methotrexate injection that, they say, will kill any remaining tissue and will bring my betas down like they should. I hope so because this is freakin annoying!!!!
Anyone have experience with methotrexate? Where the s/e bad?
Re: Flips Betas Off
Dear GOD will the beta madness stop already?!?!?
I did not do the methotrexate, so I can't help there.
Just wanted to say I'm ready to kick some beta a$$ with you.
Sorry this is going on like this. It sucks.
Yes, Joy, I'm ready for some beta a$$ kicking!
My husband came home yesterday and I was ranting to him about it. So he just say there listened to me and then saysl 'it'll be okay'. So I said to him 'Can you at least pretend to be annoyed about this too?!?!?!?' he just rolled his eyes at me. Sheesh, as if being level headed about this stuff is okay! Hmmmpf!
There are times when calm, rational thought is in order. But I do not think this is one of them!
Also, I am not sure if it is physically possible. At least for me, until my betas - aka, hormone levels - were back to normal, I was not quite myself emotionally.
So, let's put on our black leather jackets and start swinging some chains!
Betas, you goin' down!
I'm in the mood to be violent towards something so lets go - Beta's you don't stand a chance against a bunch of angry hormonal women.
I have no experience, but I'm so sorry.
I am not very strong, but I will back you up in your beta beatings!
Geez, how much more of this BS do you have to endure.
I am gearing up to kick your stupid betas in the balls. And Im wearing heels! Watch up Betas - all the girls here are coming for you!