My DD#2 had reflux and colic and I do not recall her playing at 1 month old. She was not a happy baby until about 6-8 weeks old when we figured out her formula /belly band/ meds, etc. It became a huge process to feed her, but once it was figured out she was much happier. She pretty much just slept / ate/ and cried at that age.
My DD was like that for at least a year, my DH says two. She started playing around 3 months, a bit, but until she could sit up at 9 months (she had some health issues), she didn't really play for very long and mostly wanted to be held until then.
I work in the baby room at DD's preschool and we have 3 kids 2-3 months old. None of them really play at all. The youngest one is still in eat/sleep mode. The 2.5 month old is more eat/sleep/look around. The older one will crack a smile but she isn't interested in holding any toys, just watching, and interacting when you talk to her.
Re: Is this 'normal' infant behavior?
J2 11.17.08