
do you have 6 week olds?

if you bottle feed, how many ounces do you give and how often?

Re: do you have 6 week olds?

  • they nurse most often but if at grandmas or i'm at work, they eat between 80-130 ML every 2-3 hours
    <3 Mommy to Markhas Aiden 10-4-06 Born at 29 weeks & Spontaneous Twins, Mackayla Grace and Braylon Deion 3-12-10 Born at 36 weeks 1 day <3 <a href="" target="_blank">PhotobucketMY B.L.O.G. Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickersa> Lilypie First Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • We just hit a growth spurt, I think (they've been hungry all the time the last few days). We increased slowly from 3 oz pre-spurt. Now our boy (bigger, probably close to 10 lbs now) is getting 4 oz and our girl (8 lb 12 oz) is getting 3.75 oz. They get hungry about every 3-4 hours with these amounts (longer when they are sleeping soundly).

    How about you? I have no idea how much we "should" be giving them, so I'm interested to hear what others are doing.

    married 03/08/08 -- ttc with PCOS (dx 2005) & DS
    IUI #3 gave us the best 2nd anniv. gift ever: 2 babies! (born 03/09/10)
    Peanut and Little Man are getting so big! 2 years old already!
    finally blogging again at This Will Be: An Adventure
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  • Mine would eat anywhere between 4-7 ounces every 3 hours. 4-6 on the average day ... and those growth spurt days they take about 7 each feed. I am not sure if you want to compare yours to mine though as a lot of people have said that my kids eat tons more then the average. Our pedi says it's fine though.
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