
What to wear after a c-section?

I am not sure which route we'll try and go yet, but in the event of a c-section what did you wear in the hospital, home from the hospital, and then at home during your recovery. I feel like a lot of the pants or sweat pants that I have might sit right wear a c-section incision might go, but I'm not sure. I've never had one so I don't know how low they really get. Just want to be prepared with things that won't aggrevate the incision. Thanks!

Re: What to wear after a c-section?

  • I wore giant pajama pants in the hospital (hiked way up) and IIRC, a knit skirt home from the hospital. And giant underwears. :D
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  • I've got man jammy pants to wear at the hospital and around the house. Thankfully it's getting warmer and I have a couple of loose knit dresses I can wear if I have to go out and I second the giant drawers. I bought a bunch of pairs of granny panties.
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  • I bought high-waisted underwear because all my bikini-cut undies sat right at the incision line!

    Also, yoga pants. The kind I had rolled down at the lower waist and I usually kept them pulled up instead.

    I also wore the belly binder religiously!!!

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  • When I had my dd, I wore yoga pants and a jogging suit while in the hospital. Once I got home I wore my maternity jeans or pj pants. I didn't need huge granny pants cause my incision was really low. I just wore my regular low-rise style undies. I didn't have a problem at all with anything bothering my stitches. HTP
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  • kegkeg member
    I wore scrub pants (I had some, but you could either get some or use any type of drawstring pajama pants), Target nursing tanks, and granny panties.  As pathetic as it was, I couldn't wear my normal bikini underwear for weeks because it irritated my incision.  The granny panties worked great!
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  • I lived in maternity yoga  pants after my c/s! I also had to go to walmart the day I was released from the hospital to buy some "granny panties" (lol) because all of mine came right to my incision and hurt!
  • Higher bigger underwear is a must those hospital pads are no joke, and I don't know how they'd work in regular undies!  I wore nightgowns the first couple days, and large drawstring sweats from target the rest of the time.

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  • I too lived in cotton YOGA pants (and t-tops) before and after my c-section with my LO.  You must get cotton g-ma undies right after your c-section and after you're all healed up, you should try some Spanx (or similar) to hold everything in .... not to mention it just "feels" better.     :o)
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  • Ask for an abdominal binder before you get up the first time (if you don't bring a belly binder with you, I didn't have any idea), it is a huge help, I think I wore mine for at least 2 weeks straight. Even helps rolling over in bed. I sent DH to the store for the "biggest pair of grannie panties you can find" and he did good, dont spend a lot cause you wont need them for more than a few weeks but they were also a big help. And yoga pants.
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