I'm just thinking ahead, but I really don't understand how this all works... Right now DD is breast fed, with some solids (though she's really not into them right now). By 12 months, when I go back to work, I need to have her off the boob for at least most of the day (I don't mind nursing her at night or in the early morning).
What will I replace the breast milk with during the day? I don't want to use soy or cow's milk, because she has a milk-soy protein intolerance... Would I use formula? Water? Or does the breast milk just get replaced with solids and water for thirst? I feel so dumb but I just don't get how the weaning process is supposed to work...
Re: What do you replace breast milk with when you wean?
I would talk to your ped about this one, but I would imagine what ever lactose free milk is available.
You need to transition, so adding to the BM.
why not cow milk?
Breastmilk gets replaced by the whole diet of solids and liquids. If you don't want to do cow's milk, you'll need to make sure she's getting calcium & vitamin D from other sources and that she's getting hydrated from something else - water, or another milk like hemp milk, rice milk, almond milk, etc.
We're a week away from DS's birthday and he's only drinking 6-9 ounces of EBM at daycare. They're offering a sippy of water with meals and we'll try cow's milk after his birthday. But DD barely drank any cow's milk from 12-18 months, and she was fine having solids + water at daycare and nursing morning/evening. So I'm not concerned if he doesn't take to cow's milk immediately.
I don't eat dairy and don't want LO to because it's not healthy.