Not sure if I should post this here, but on Saturday I received a
letter from the State in regards to my daughters initial hearing test
done at the NICU. It stated that she initially passed the hearing test,
but they saw some concerns on the test. I'm a little pissed off because
my pedi has never mentioned any hearing issues at any of her visit.
We've been going for the past six months, (for RSV shots). The letter
from the State stated that I need to have her looked at by a specialist
before her first birthday. Has anyone ever received a letter like this?
I guess I was a little taken back, not prepared to hear this kind of
news. And I may be jumping to conclusions here, because their may not
be anything wrong. I'm very stressed by all of this. I understand the
State would like me to know that if anything is wrong, that Annabelle
does qualify for Therapy.
Thanks for letting me vent.
Re: Hearing Loss
Pedi just called me back to say that yes, they recommend I have Annabelle's hearing checked again. I guess the State just recommends this to all parents of preemie's. News to me. So they doctor's office to going to have a list of specialist ready for me to pick up today. She said they would like me to get the hearing re-checked before she turns 9 months old.
My DD did not pass the initial hearing test (mostly due to the fact that they couldn't get a good read through the oxygen) and requested that I do a follow up after the hospital stay. She was still on oxygen 1 month after coming home, so even though she passed the test, they have asked that she take another one at 1 year.
They said that this was standard procedure if there were any issues with the initial tests. Sorry that they surprised you with it, I know its daunting when you have to worry about something all over again.