
***MFI Check In***

MFI Weekly Check In

This group is for those of us dealing with male factor issues.   We
welcome everyone but mostly we are dealing with low count, motility, morphology or all three.  Male infertility is a mysterious world filled with questions no one, including REs, urologists, acupuncturists or anyone else seem to have the answers to.  Any treatment suggested is a coin toss for success and a 3 month wait for a fresh batch of swimmers. Most of us are told the only answer is IUI or IVF w/ICSI.  The purpose of this group is to support each other through shared experiences and to share any info we can because the more informed we are the better.   We have a check in every Sunday night/ Monday morning but I will try to post a link later in the afternoon/evening also.  Welcome and baby dust to all!


Bradbride: Low Testosterone/ Hydrocele & Vericocele;  Low everything
Cajun_gal: Low Morph 1-4%
MissManda: Low numbers on everything, possible varicocele
MrsB2007: low count, borderline mot & morph & weak ovulation/on prog.
B3bell: Low motility, low morph and anti-sperm antibodies
*NestingAway*: Severely low count & high SDFA-HDS ratio, minor PCOS
Cmwbobo: Low count, borderline motility and morph, varicocele
Jenbabe: 5 mil/ml, 40% motility and 2% morph
Gambler2100: Low count and motility
Tiff&rod:low count & PCOS
Greekgirl719: varicocele
Poontater: low count & motility
t.c.cherry: low count, variocele
stace26: low motility
Taraandkyle06: low count & motility
Ourdream: severe mfi due to chemo
JennyLBride: no sperm
Jensahokie: low numbers on everything
Cheekyali: low motility, low morph, varicocele
MewMew: possible seminal vesicle incompetency
Princessbeulah: low on all three
Hillaree: low motility & varicocele (repaired), high FSH
Assembly_Reqd: low count
MrsMiller12012007: low all 3
kat3233: low all 3
mikesgirl70106: low all 3
Shan&Kev7707: low #s
Jen2929: low morph
kismet21: low count
lovinthefall08- low countt/morph, ED
luvsbunny- low motil/morph
Fmrsy- 0 morph
Tab2710- low all 3
diamondcks- low morph
Junebug66- low motility & morph
pooman- low morph & motility
Pitttexan- low morph
JFa- low motility & count
LizzyB111- low all 3
wiscgirl95- low all 3, 0 morph
rsrn02- low motility, borderline morph, and high pH, PCOS & IR
anasasra- borderline mot, low morph
bbakersgirl75- low motil & morph, possible retrograde ej.
mellj03- non-motile, PCOS
hollymichael: low motility and morph
newsbaby: blockage
onemorelittleone: low motility and morph
mamabear7: low testosterone, morph, and motility
madelyn07: low morph and varicocele
MAK06: low morph, borderline count & motility
betheveh: bilateral varicocele (repaired), hydrocele
rachel06: low morph, borderline count & motility, PCOS
kalichick: low all 3, LPD
TiffanyA83: low all 3, PCOS
AlissaCell701: low motility, moprh, varicocele
itsmyangel: 0% morph
mrshoppy1231: low count and morph, moderate motility
mrs.cb: low all 3 and PCOS
JessicaAlice: low motility & morph
NYC1216:low count & morph
karenlouise24:low count & varicocele
hartmaj: low motility & morph
sarahandeddiejune212008: low count, pcos, bicornaute uterus, MTHFR, Factor V Leiden
britny17: low count and motility
kkghotty: low count & motility
gymnst1013: low count, borderline morph, and varicocele
*OceanBreeze*: 0% morph
a&g1115 : 1% morph
mcmann05: low all 3
MissNikki007: low count and morph
wmonkey07: low all 3
deuptysgirl: low all 3
MegW21: low all 3
roselln2: low all 3
LuvWIfootball: no sperm
NHgal10: no sperm
psychgalbride: low count & hormones,  PCOS
SkyBee: no sperm
kissies: no sperm
wordsmith226: low count & hormone levels
wildcat05: low count & motility
hoosiergurl: low all 3, varicocele (repaired)
chuckansarah: low all 3, varicocele
mvp2003: low all 3
iujess: low all 3
Family+hopes: low all 3
miamicubjam: low motility & morph
Praying4#2: low all 3, varicocele
mapst77: low motility & morph
Jessie*J: low count & motility
emptybelly21:zero sperm & PCOS
SweetDahlia: low morph & count, PCOS & pituitary issues
lyse2143: low count, borderline motility & morph
LilEmma: low count & varicocele


Weemodin: IVF w/ICSI= TWINS!
face090906: injections
roaringrock: IVF w/ICSI #4
trilady: 2 yo DS & pregnant w/#2, IVF
kirs10nBryce: 2 yo DD & pregnant w/#2, Donor sperm (azoo diag)
gabbeyh: IUI
Magoy: IVF #1
Karma1969: IUI
itsmevkb: DS (no asst needed), pregnant again! IVF #1
MayDayGirl: IVF w/ICSI
efooey: break cycle BFP (twice!)
crystalgirl: IVF w/ICSI
ela81: IVF w/ICSI #1
Soon2beMrs.Stewart: IUI #5: Twins! (2 mil post wash)
Harleyq8: IVF #1
preheatedoven: IVF #2
SeaSoul: IVF w/donor sperm (azoo diag)

       Mommies to be:
EastCoastBride: IVF w/ICSI #5
PhillySue: IVF w/ICSI #1
JGirl2005: break cycle BFP
bmf8140: IVF w/ICSI #2
vilicious: IVF w/ICSI
Jen&Andy06: IVF w/ICSI #1: Twins!
*MrsChad*: Break cycle BFP
sourpop: page for her story (dx no vas def/ dh has cf)
hantzwedding: BFP on IVF #1
ladychicago: BFP on IVF #1
Ambertiger: BFP on IUI #2 with 6 million post wash
Quizzle: BFP on IVF #1
TandW: BFP on mini-IVF #1
gringa78: PCOS & MFI - BFP on FET #1 after IVF #1
bmagsgirl: BFP on FET #1
Frankie: BFP on IUI #4 (32 mil post wash with 93% motility, morph at 1-3%)
melnmick: BFP on IVF #1 with TESE
jds0521: BFP on IVF #1
c0debabe: BFP on IVF #1
doodlebuddy: BFP on IVF #1
Kingme: BFP on IVF #1

Recent BFPs :

Babsie7: BFP on IVF #1!!! Congrats!!!
GenRN45: BFP on IVF #2!!! Congrats!!!
jennim1984: BFP on IVF #2!!! Congrats!!!
CJ71903: BFP on IVF #1!!! Congrats!!


Feel free to suggest a Question of the Week by replying here or emailing me at!

QOTW: How long have you and your DH been married? Favorite memory from your wedding?

As always, give an update as well! :)

We are adopting! Currently waiting for our domestic infant adoption match.

My blog: Making Me Mom

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Re: ***MFI Check In***

  • QOTW: DH & I will be celebrating our 5th anniversary in June. I was just thinking about our wedding and it made me happy. :) A favorite memory from the day was DH crying like a baby as I walked down the aisle. :)

    Update: Nothing really...just waiting for AF to get here (next week?) so we can start IVF #2.


    We are adopting! Currently waiting for our domestic infant adoption match.

    My blog: Making Me Mom

    Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers
  • Update: Started Estrace last week. Expecting AF on Wednesday, so I expect to start stims for IVF #2 on Friday or so.

    QOTW: We will have been married for five years on July 30th. I loved every moment of our wedding, but it went by too fast! I am such a softie that I still get teary-eyed whenever I look at pics. My favorite moment of the day is when DH and I got back to the hotel room after all the festivities and ordered fries from room service because we were STARVED from running around all night. We just laughed and laughed together that night. Sigh... I love him.

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  • No update, just waiting till DH has his variocele surgery in July.

    QOTW, we have been married for 7 months and my favorite memory from our wedding is when I was dancing on the floor and DH looked at me from across the room and we both smiled. It was the best feeling I had in months. And I kept on dancing.

  • No usual.

    QOTW: We've were married in August coming up on 3 years! 

    TTC #1 since June 2008 *SAIFW*

    TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs

  • jani7jani7 member

    I have started BCP's for IVF #1 - I am so nervous.   I'm talking to the dr today about possibly doing a limited fertilization- but we are undecided.

    QOTW - We had such a great time at our wedding! After the ceremony and after we walked out down the aisle we hugged and were just smiling. It was a good moment.

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  • Good morning all!

    QOTW:  We have been married for 2.5 years, I think?  Sounds about right.  My favorite part of the wedding day was honestly just being in the hotel that night and being able to relax and breath. 

    Update:  Not much.  AF started a week early, so I am officially down to less than 2 cycles before our IUI! 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Update: still on a break!

    QOTW: We got married on New Years Eve, 2006. So almost 3.5 years! I would say midnight was my favorite memory - everyone was on the dance floor together and we were in the middle kissing. :) So fun!

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  • UPDATE:  FET #1 was Saturday, April 17.  We transferred 3-they all survived the thaw. 

    QOTD:  Married almost 2.5 years.  Favorite memory, I would have to say the look of shock and surprise of our guests when the U of WI marching band came out and started playing at our reception!

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  • QOTD: married August 2005.  BEST MEMORY: seeing Dh as I came down aisle.

    UPDATE: because varicocele surgery did not improve numbers at all Sad, we are starting IVF#1 w/ICSI this week!  I start Lupron on Saturday...eek!!

    TTC since April 2008. DH: severe MFI; IVF w/ICSI X 2 = BFN. SAIFW!
  • QOTW: How long have you and your DH been married? Favorite memory from your wedding? We've been married for almost 4 years. Favorite memory of the wedding was the 1st time we saw eachother (in private). It was such a great moment to see his face seeing me and seeing the tears in his eyes.

    Update: DH has been on Clomid for 1 week now and it's making him very emotional and sensitive. I tried remembering that's Provera made me feel but it's hard to see him in this state.

  • Hi there! Just wanted to introduce myself. Hubby and I have been TTC for over a year. I have LPD. DH has low testosterone &  azoospermia due to testosterone replacement therapy. We're currently doing acupuncture and TCM herbal formulas. We go to a MFI endocrinologist in June. The endocrinologist DH currently goes to suggested we see this more specialized endrinologist for hormone shots that can reverse the effects of the medication.

    QOTW: How long have you and your DH been married? Favorite memory from your wedding?

    We will be married for 6 years in June.  My favorite wedding memory was just the first time we saw each other when I was walking down the aisle. I saw he was a little choked up when he saw me and that made me almost cry with joy. We had a long engagement (3 years) and it felt so good to walk down that aisle and see a smiling face w/ some tears in his eyes at the end of it!

    After 2 years of TTC, our daughter was born on Oct 31, 2011!
    7lbs 13oz  20 inches long

  • Update: Even though I got a BFP from IVF #1, the baby stopped growing at 8 weeks.  We are taking a TTC break until August or September.

    QotW: Our 6th anniversary is in June.  My favorite wedding moment was watching DH and his groomsmen do the "Kid and Play" at our reception.  Thanks for this question.  It really made me smile.

    DS #1 on the way after 2 cycles of ART (IVF+FET) EDD 7/3/11
  • imagec0debabe:

    Update: Even though I got a BFP from IVF #1, the baby stopped growing at 8 weeks.  We are taking a TTC break until August or September.

    QotW: Our 6th anniversary is in June.  My favorite wedding moment was watching DH and his groomsmen do the "Kid and Play" at our reception.  Thanks for this question.  It really made me smile.

    I am so, so sorry :(

    We are adopting! Currently waiting for our domestic infant adoption match.

    My blog: Making Me Mom

    Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers
  • c0debabe: I am so sorry to hear about your loss  ((HUGS))

     Update:  Started cycle 46 this weekend.  No big surprise though since we are on a break until our July IVF.

     QOTD:  I think my favorite part was being alone on the limo ride to the reception. After dating for 8 years it was a bit surreal that we were actually married.  We have been married for 5 1/2 years.  Been together a loooong time.

  • Update:  We are making progress - finally.  Started Clomid and waiting for the okay from the URO to proceed with IUI #1. 

    QOTW:  Married 3 years in October.Been together for 9 years.  Favorite memory from wedding- I squeezed DH's hand so much when we were finally pronounced Mr. and Mrs. that I literally hurt his poor hand.  I was just so excited!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Update: I haven't been on in a while so I'm not sure if I've posted here that we are still waiting for DH to have his biopsy next Wednesday (4/28). He is getting nervous about the procedure and I'm nervous that they won't find any swimmers but our fingers are crossed!

    QOTW: We have been married for 2.5 years. We had so many amazing moments at our wedding but one of my favorite parts was the horse and carriage:) I felt like a true princess!

    GL to all of you ladies this week!

    12/09- DH dx Azoo 2/23/10- DH's ultrasound and FSH show normal results but no sperm! 3/10- 1st RE appt 4/12/11- d-iui #1 4/25- BFP!!! Still in shock! BabyFruit Ticker
  • c0debabe: So sorry for your loss!

     Update: none really - have my presurgery consult Fri and surgery next Wednesday - so hoping that all goes well... nervous but excited... want to get it over with!!

    QOTH: DH and I will celebrate our 4 yr anniversary next Thursday (together 10+ years).  I loved our whole wedding - but one of my favorite moments was our entrance and seeing people shocked that we walked into Marilyn Manson's "Beautiful People" intro... it was fun.... and i also just loved not only that DH and i had a great time but watching everyone else have so much fun celebrating with us!  Thanks for this question - now i need to pull out my wedding video - i am suddenly itching to watch it again  :-)

    Hope everyone has a great week!

  • Could I join you ladies? We have MFI and PCOS. Dh has a pituitary adenoma. Last SA was low count and morph. Motility was ok. I'd love to have some ladies to check in with!

    Me (32) DH (30)

    A Wordy Blog

    Baby Evangeline is here!

  • I don't know if I can join the group or not, please let me know.  Here is my background.

    I have a 17 month old DS and now we are trying to have # 2.  We are on cycle 14 and I got a BFN today, it took 2 1/2 years to conceive DS.  DH has low everything and varies between a 0 - 1% morph.  Currently he is doing chinese herbs, acupuncture, clomid and zinc supplements.  We were told that ICSI was our only option and it is less than a 1% chance of conceiving naturally.  Prior to this month DH refused to consider doing ICSI and had a wait and see attitude that drives me nuts.  He has finally opened up to the idea and is going to talk to his male fertility doctor in May.   

     I just feel alone with MFI.  It seems to be less talked about and less common.  Also I find the lack of control of the situation hard.  Thanks.

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • It will be 7 years in August! Oh how time flies! Favorite memory is coming out of the church and being able to just breathe, celebrate, kiss and cry all at once! What a moment!

    UPDATE:  Still in Japan with hubby for work. Going for a FET in May when I return. Congrats to all the recent BFP's!

    TTC #1 since 6/08, MFI dx'd 3/09 Varicocelectomy 6/09, Hydrocelectomy 10/09 IVF with ICSI in Jan/Feb 2010 ER 2/7, ET 2/12 - transferred 2 blasts 5 snowbabies Beta #1 = 22 #2 = 19. Chemical Pregnancy :( FET May 2010 ET 5/30 - transferred 3 embies = BFN Fall/10 Went Gluten free + New RE and Clinic IUI #1 + Clomid 50 mg (1 follie) on 1/18 IUI #2 + Clomid 100 mg (1 follie) on 2/15 IUI# 3 + Femara 7.5 mg (1 follie) on 3/14 = BFP!!!! Beta #1 = 172 (15dpiui) Beta #2 =683!!! Ultrasound at 7 wks: 1 perfect beating heart. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I would like to join the group.  Dh has low volume and borderline low count.

    Update: Had IUI #5 on Sunday, currently in the 2ww

    QOTW:  We have been married since July 07, so almost 3 years and together almost 6 years.  My favorite memory from our wedding was when we were having our pictures taken (just us), we were sitting on a marble bench looking into each other eyes, we kissed then he kissed my forehead.  

    TTC #1 Since 11/08 - Dx: MFI & PCOS
    7 IUIs = All BFNs
    2011: March IVF #1.2 = e/p @ 6w: May IVF #2 = BFN: July sFET #1 = BFN

    2012: Jan We're Certified FC/A Parents
    May IVF #3 = c/p
    June-Nov Foster Mommy to M (Toddler)
    July FET #2 = BFN
    Aug FET #3 = BFN
    Sept-Nov Foster Mommy to Baby Bella (Newborn)
    Nov HSG/Sono = Clear!
    Dec FET #4 = BFN

    2013: Feb FET #5 = m/c @ 6.5w
    May-July Foster Mom to H (8 yr old girl)
    June/July/Aug IVF #4 = Freeze All
    July = Unofficially Adopting T (10 yr old boy)
    Sept FET #6 = TBD
    **PAIF/SAIF Welcome**
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