
trying not to look

Trying not to look at my sweet Eli who keeps coming unlatched and giving me his flirty smiles  and laughing while I'm trying to nurse him. It is so hard not to look at him and smile and talk to him. But it is bed time. Time to calm down.


 How can I resist!!!!! 

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Re: trying not to look

  • So cute!  He has such pretty eyes!

    And I hear ya.  Mine love to smile through their bottles.  Formula gets everywhere, but it's the sweetest thing in the world.  <3

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • just turned out the lights. maybe that will help. 
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  • holy cow Kimarino your girls are cute!
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  • Too cute!!  It's the funniest thing because you want them to smile, but you want them to eat : )  Mary had probably her longest marathon feed tonight too...ugh.  I kept trying to slightly pull her away from the boob and she wasn't havin' it!
    ~Crystal~ SAHM to Sam (5), Hugh (3), Mary & Grace (22 months) : )
  • imagejalaiaa:
    holy cow Kimarino your girls are cute!

    Ditto!!  I must have those onesies... ; )

    ~Crystal~ SAHM to Sam (5), Hugh (3), Mary & Grace (22 months) : )
  • Oh my goodness too adorable...good luck on resisting, I don't think I would be able to either!!! Ahh he is going to be a heart breaker Smile
  • A trick I've learned after dealing w/ the same thing.  At bedtime I nurse w/ the lights off and put a blanket kind of over/touching their heads.  It seems to calm them down and I almost never have a problem w/ nighttime nursing since I started that.
  • imagecarissasmom:
    A trick I've learned after dealing w/ the same thing.  At bedtime I nurse w/ the lights off and put a blanket kind of over/touching their heads.  It seems to calm them down and I almost never have a problem w/ nighttime nursing since I started that.

    The lights were dimmed, like I usually do, but turning them off completely did the trick.  My heart melts when I see that flirty smile though so it is so hard to discourage it. I'll probably just have to go lights off from now on. 

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