1st Trimester

C-section pain coming back?

I had a C-section 8 months ago. It was a slow healing process, but I did get back to feeling normal finally. I was having sticking pains in my uterus. They were constant at first, but then because less frequent and eventually went away. I am pregnant again (what was I thinking?!?!?!) and have begun to feel a dull ache in the same spot that was having those sharp pains before. I am wondering if when the uterus stretches out again, if as the scar stretches it causes any discomfort? Will I feel this dull pain throughout the next 9 months? I'm a little scared to know the answer to this.

Re: C-section pain coming back?

  • Hi, I had a c- section almost 2 years ago with my first. I am only 6 weeks pregnant but I have been feeling the same pains. It used to be a sharp stabbing feeling now it is more an ache sore feeling. From what I have heard it is normal. I don't know if that helps at all but just wanted to let you know you are not alone.
  • imagesadiesmom2:
    Hi, I had a c- section almost 2 years ago with my first. I am only 6 weeks pregnant but I have been feeling the same pains. It used to be a sharp stabbing feeling now it is more an ache sore feeling. From what I have heard it is normal. I don't know if that helps at all but just wanted to let you know you are not alone.

    Exactly this! I feel it too!

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  • Hi, I had a c- section almost two years ago with my first. I am only 6 weeks pregnant but I have been experiencing the same pains. They were sharp once upon a time and now it is more a sore muscle pain. I can tell where my scar is on the inside it can be so sore at times. From what I've heard it is normal. I don't know how much that helps but wanted to let you know you are not alone.
  • Sorry for the double posted comments. My bb is having problems.
  • Jb&JbJb&Jb member
    i haven't felt any new pain at the incision yet, but i'm worried that it'll be a problem closer to the third tri.  part of my incision was infected and gave me problems for 8 months on and off and i'm worried about the extra scar tissue and the fact that that spot is much more sensitive that the rest.
  • im in the same boat it will be just over a year when i have a repeat section. i have pain on my scar occasionally. but i have had pain on and off even before i got pregnant. im expecting it will hurt worse as i get larger. :(
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