
Question about NICU

Okay I know depending on when they are born depends if they and how long they stay in the NICU. But timeframe wise what does that mean???? If they are born at 34 does that mean they stay there until 40wks? Or does it just depend on how their health is when they come out? What are your experiences with delievery and the NICU? TIA

Re: Question about NICU

  • I haven't had babies in the NICU, but from talking to the NICU nurses at the hospital I work at, they told me that it just depends on the babies' health. They've had singleton babies born at 38+ weeks that have needed a couple weeks of NICU time for various reasons, and babies born at <36 weeks that only needed a few days. There's really no way to plan how much time they'll need.
  • I believe the common things that keep babies in NICU are breathing problems, jaudice, blood sugar and probably others that I am missing. It all really depends on your babies, some women have the steriod shots for the babies lungs and that can really decrease the amount of time spent in NICU. Being born before 36 weeks does not equal a stay in the NICU, my DD came home with me and they were born at 35w2d, DS was on the other end of the spectrum, he stayed 26 days in NICU which is rare. The NICU will tell you to expect your baby to stay until their due date, most babies come home sooner, some do have to stay past their due date. Many babies getting their other problems under control and become feeders and grower, they have to learn how to eat and most of the time that is why they can be there longer. It can take weeks for them to get eating down. Some babies may have a stay in the special care nursery, the step down NICU to be monitored for the first couple of days if they are small.
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  • LOs in the NICU can "graduate" home if their lungs are doing well and they are eating/growing.  Some little ones stay longer than others.  Some moms get a steriod shot before delivery to assist in their LOs lung development.  And sometimes, if needed (when I worked NICU) the doctors or NNPs would give the babies surfactant to help their lungs.  Some LOs need to wear "sun shades" over their eyes if they need to go under the bili lights for jaundice....

    I know that's a little vague, but you could also have 36 weekers that go home with you from the hospital.  Each delivery/babies are different.  Hope that helps.

    TTC for 12 years. m/c 2009. BFP on New Year's 2010. Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • In short, they go home when they are eating and breathing well enough to sustain themselves.  THis usually happens after 34-35 weeks, anyway, and weightwise, I believe they have to be around the 4-5 lb marker.   So to answer your question, a 34 weeker could go home way before 40 weeks and a 39 weeker could stay longer than 40 weeks if there are serious complications! 

    My twins were 37 weekers; DD stayed for 4 days in the NICU and DS went right to the regular nursery and came home with me.

  • It depends on the hospital guidelines as well as how your baby is doing.  Our 32 weekers spent 26 days, 29 days and 35 days in the NICU so they were all out by what would have been 37 weeks.  However there were twin girls across from us that were still there when we left and they would have been 43 weekers by then. 
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  • I don't think it necessarily matters what gestational age the twins are born at.  I also think doctors are more inclined to send multiples to the NICU since many complications could come up and also to cover themselves.

     My boys were born at 37.5 weeks at 6lbs13oz and 7lbs12oz and both were in the NICU for 3 days.  Both had jaundice, one had low blood sugar and one had elevated red blood cells due to TTTS. 

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • It depends on the babies. My twins were born at 33w6d and Lucas was out by 23 days and Elena should be home next Saturday. She had breathing issues.

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  • Gestational age does not matter. My guys were born at 31 weeks. DS1 came home after 31 days and DS2 came home after 42 days. Each NICU has different rules for discharge. In our NICU, the babies have to maintain their own temp, feed from a bottle, no drops in heartrate or breathing spells, and must be able to pass a car seat test (stay in the car seat for 1 hour with no issues). I had a great experience with the NICU, it's hard at first, but you know they're getting the best care in there.
  • I think some of it depends on your hospitals policy. Our newborn nursery won't allow babies that are less than 2000 grams..or about 5 lbs. There are other issues as well...feeding, respiratory distress, and lots of other problems you can encounter.
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  • Like everyone already said, it depends entirely on how well the baby is doing and also your hospital's policy

    I was admitted to the hospital early for preterm labor and they had me get the steroid shots to help the babies' lungs.  we were able to hold off the babies from coming for about a week, but while I was in the hospital we had a visit from the neonatologist that worked there.  she told us to plan on having them in the NICU until their due date, and I think that they do that to keep you from having unreasonable expectations about how soon they might come home.

    my kids were born at 34 weeks and spent 13 and 14 days in the NICU, so they definitely came home earlier than their due date, but they also never had breathing issues (because I'd had the steroid shots) so they were just feeders/growers

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