Okay I know depending on when they are born depends if they and how long they stay in the NICU. But timeframe wise what does that mean???? If they are born at 34 does that mean they stay there until 40wks? Or does it just depend on how their health is when they come out? What are your experiences with delievery and the NICU? TIA
Re: Question about NICU
LOs in the NICU can "graduate" home if their lungs are doing well and they are eating/growing. Some little ones stay longer than others. Some moms get a steriod shot before delivery to assist in their LOs lung development. And sometimes, if needed (when I worked NICU) the doctors or NNPs would give the babies surfactant to help their lungs. Some LOs need to wear "sun shades" over their eyes if they need to go under the bili lights for jaundice....
I know that's a little vague, but you could also have 36 weekers that go home with you from the hospital. Each delivery/babies are different. Hope that helps.
In short, they go home when they are eating and breathing well enough to sustain themselves. THis usually happens after 34-35 weeks, anyway, and weightwise, I believe they have to be around the 4-5 lb marker. So to answer your question, a 34 weeker could go home way before 40 weeks and a 39 weeker could stay longer than 40 weeks if there are serious complications!
My twins were 37 weekers; DD stayed for 4 days in the NICU and DS went right to the regular nursery and came home with me.
I don't think it necessarily matters what gestational age the twins are born at. I also think doctors are more inclined to send multiples to the NICU since many complications could come up and also to cover themselves.
My boys were born at 37.5 weeks at 6lbs13oz and 7lbs12oz and both were in the NICU for 3 days. Both had jaundice, one had low blood sugar and one had elevated red blood cells due to TTTS.
It depends on the babies. My twins were born at 33w6d and Lucas was out by 23 days and Elena should be home next Saturday. She had breathing issues.
Like everyone already said, it depends entirely on how well the baby is doing and also your hospital's policy
I was admitted to the hospital early for preterm labor and they had me get the steroid shots to help the babies' lungs. we were able to hold off the babies from coming for about a week, but while I was in the hospital we had a visit from the neonatologist that worked there. she told us to plan on having them in the NICU until their due date, and I think that they do that to keep you from having unreasonable expectations about how soon they might come home.
my kids were born at 34 weeks and spent 13 and 14 days in the NICU, so they definitely came home earlier than their due date, but they also never had breathing issues (because I'd had the steroid shots) so they were just feeders/growers