
Only doing 1 Beta draw?

So far I've only had 1 beta done.  Is that unusual?  Do they only do one if it's over a certain number? The first was good so I'm not complaining Smile just wondering.

3/10 IVF #1 TWINS! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: Only doing 1 Beta draw?

  • Congrats!

    My RE is comfortable doing only 1 if the number is higher than 100, but where mine came over at 102 he knew I would want another and had me come in for another.

  • imageVillo24:


    My RE is comfortable doing only 1 if the number is higher than 100, but where mine came over at 102 he knew I would want another and had me come in for another.

     That must be why then.  In our set up class they said we'd do a few betas.  When they called me I wasn't thinking straight enough to ask if they'd do another.  Thanks!

    3/10 IVF #1 TWINS! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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