TTC after 35

OPk's and EWCM and such

So here is whats up.My temp dropped today. I have the EWCM but the OPK is still showing negative. Why would this be happening? is the EWCM days before ovulation? My chart is there so take a look. Any feedback, please!!!!!!


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Re: OPk's and EWCM and such

  • From what I've read on other posts, CM is not a full proof way of monitoring O.  Plus, are you sure its egg white and not allergy season snot?  I love the descriptiveness of these boards don't you? I used to think my general lack of "discharge" was a good thing, but now it could be the reason why I am not pregnant.

     I would just make sure to have sex now and keep monitoring with OPK and when that is positive, have sex then too.  Can't hurt right?  Could be fun too Wink Good luck!

    I give up trying to get a ticker.  I have a DD that is 2.5 years old and is awesome.  Maybe I'll add a quote to distinguish myself.  Hmmm.  How about...

    "It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like "What about lunch?" - A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
  • I would probably do it sometime soon just to cover my bases! When I used OPKs I would try to get a few good sessions in there even before I thought I would get a +OPK so that we would have lots of DH's swimmers up there! Good luck!
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  • From all my reading on OPK's, I got out of it that you can have your surge w/in hours and miss it with the OPK.  Like if you test in the am, you can have a surge in the evening, but have it be back down again the next morning.  Some people use OPK 2x/day for this reason.  And, the surge only tells you that you are going to O in the next 12-36 hours, so have sex for the next day or two after a +OPK just to be safe.  Have you heard of  It's a super website that answers lots of questions on pg tests and OPK's.

     I haven't been on this board long at all so if I'm giving out repeat info, sorry!

    Good luck!!!  And HAVE FUN!

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  • EWCM doesn't always correspond exactly with ovulation. it can start a few days before and even continue past when you ovulate. That's one of the reasons I used to hate OPKs. I was never sure with the light/dark colors of the lines if I was ovulating, just about to ovulate, or had already ovulated. And when the EWCM starts a couple days before ovulations and last for 2-3 days after ovulation, that makes for a lot of BDing!!

      I wound up buying a CBEFM to take out the guesswork. they are pricey but many people buy used ones on ebay too. good luck.

  • the cbefm had me test starting after i ovulated. I ovulate early so I missed it twice. I am 40 and dont have time to mess with that! I am using the OPK tests so far once a day but going to increase that now! Ugh, wish i could figure this out! Oh well, just keep trying
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