My sister had maternity pics done by one of my childhood friends and wanted A and her friend's dd to be in some of them. So I went out and bought A a dress and took her. We got there first so my friend shot some pics of A. Then my sister, her friend and the little girl (in my sig) got there and the friend had on black and her hair was done. K shot some pics of sis alone, then w/girls and then I took them to the playroom. When I came back it looked like my sis and her friend were taking pics together. I had to get to work so I put A's seat in my sister's car and left. It was eating at me so I sent her a text and asked and she said yes she took pics. It was obviously planned and that hurts my feeligs more than anything. I understand the girls and realize it's probably petty but why did she need to have her friend in them?
Re: I am so hurt
and if she IS having other people in her pics-would she not want the Sister who is taking her to child birth classes and being supportive of her pregnancy despite past conflict? Sorry, Belle ((hugs)) I'd be hurt, too. Not about the pics per se, but the the principle behind it.
Ditto. It sounds like she's being a big old jerk lately. I'm so sorry, belle.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church