
Tell me about your boys (brothers).

How do they interact?  What do they like to play?   

I am excited for N and J to play together (in time, I totally don't want J growing too fast!)  

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Re: Tell me about your boys (brothers).

  • My boys are the best of friends.  I love watching them together.  DS2 has multiple food allergies and DS1 is constantly watching out for him.  "Can baby hab dis?" or "Baby can't hab dat.  It'll make him sick!"  DS2 antagonizes DS1, but it's really cute.  It's like he just wants him to pay attention to him.  They wrestle and chase each other around.  Of course, DS2 is still young enough that he doesn't understand leaving his big brother's GeoTrax creations or block towers alone, but DS1 is actually pretty patient when his destructo-brother comes barrelling through.

    It will be so fun to see how much more they interact the older they get.

  • Ahhh, brothers.

    My guys are generally good together. They are the best of friends and the worst of emenies. They test, tease, support, encourage and are the funniest guys they have ever met!

    I love to listen them talk things out, make each other laugh the way no one else can and stick up for one another.

    Mum to Owen and Lucas Daisypath Wedding tickers>
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  • My boys are the best of friends as well.......unless one wants something the other has! lol  There are some battles and wrestling, but most of the time they do everything together.  My younger son usually likes whatever the older one does, but he is starting to have is own tastes too.  They love to be outside and are "real boys" who dig in dirt and look for worms.  They loves, cars, trucks, baseball, dinosaurs, and Superheroes.  I LOVE seeing them together and it makes me a little less sad there will be no girls in the mix. lol  I will be giving them another brother come September!
  • Cute post and fun for me to read since I have DS # 2 on the way :)
    Aidan Jake 7/25/08 Cooper Cole 7/27/10 Tessa Morgan 8/9/12
  • My boys are hilarious together.  They laugh SO much.  I mean, Foster does these crazy big belly laughs when his big brother is playing with him, like there is nothing better in the world.  I love it.

    They also fight like crazy.  They can be SO mean to each other, but they are also so protective of each other.  DH was teasing that he would have to spank the baby because he wasn't listening to him.  Alex ran and stood in front of him and said "DON'T SPANK MY BROTHER!!!!"  It was really funny and cute. 

    Mom to Alex - 8.29.06, Foster - 1.22.09, Emily - 6.24.11 imageimageLilypie First Birthday tickers
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