Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Are your fingers not long enough to feel your IUD strings?

Because I think mine aren't. I checked them once before my 1 month appointment. I couldn't feel them, but at my appointment the doctor said they were where they were supposed to be.

I tried feeling for them again last night, but couldn't feel them. I put my finger up there as far as it could go (I know that's TMI, but that's what you're supposed to do with an IUD) and I couldn't get far enough to feel.

 I either have really short fingers or a really long vaginal canal. I think my hands are normal so.... yeah. Hmm... I'll call on Monday and express my concern, but I was wondering if anyone else can't feel their strings and then when you go to the doctor it's fine. 

Re: Are your fingers not long enough to feel your IUD strings?

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    My doctor said she will tuck the strings up under my cervix so it's impossible to feel.  I get it Monday so we'll see how it goes but maybe your doctor did this too?
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    Can't feel mine either.  I go for my one month appointment next week.  I can feel my cervix though.  It feels like a 'cone' in there sort of at a point.  From what I understand, they sort of wrap the strings around  your cervix for the comfort of your partner.  But although the OB allowed me to feel this strings before she placed it, I have not been able to since.  I was really bothered by a stinging feeling, sharp pinchy feeling the first week, then that went away, oddly enough after I sneezed.  So, I hope it's working.  I asked DH, and he can't feel it either, but hasn't gone 'exploring' with his fingers, LOL. 

    BabyFetus Ticker
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    I think the way you position yourself has a lot to do with whether you can get " up there" or not. Try sitting on the toilet with one foot up on the seat. If you can't feel your cervix, you may want to wait until a different time in your cycle. I'm pretty sure foot long vaginal canals don't exist.
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    So... I was kinda curious cause I haven't check in a lil min... So I went and checked.. yeah I can feel mine.
    Parker 12:09:09 Alyssa 5:31:12
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    Often times the strings also "soften" and curve up and around your cervix.  I was told after a few months of having it placed, it's not uncommon not to be able to feel them.  I wouldn't worry too much about it. 
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    I tried to feel for mine a couple days after having it put in and I *think* I felt them, but haven't really checked since.  My doctor also said it's really common to not feel the strings though and he doesn't schedule a 1 month follow up b/c he said it's usually a waste of both his time and our time to do it.  He said that I would notice if there was a problem.  So I'm trusting that everything is OK.
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