

Have you made a headband before? What's the best stitch?

Re: Kori

  • I have, it was for me out of desperation on a bad hair day. ?I just dc'd 4 long enough to wrap around my big ol' noggin, with a big hook so it was stretchy. ?K maybe? ?Not sure what's best, it's the only one I've done....
  • I was thinking dc too. Sc seems it might not stretch enough. I just need something for A in the morning b/c I'm too lazy to mess with her hair for the pics my sister is having made. :::eyerolll:::

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  • HA! ?

    For the ends you could throw a button on so it's adjustable, too. ?;-)

    I think you should afropuff her again. ?Lot of comb work, but she KILLS in those things!!

  • Good call on the button! I love her little afropuffs but don't think that will get approval. ;-)

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