South Florida Babies

NT Scan Update

I don't have the results yet, but the u/s tech mentioned something a little confusing.  She said that there was no sign of a second baby.  From what I've read about vanishing twins, there would be no sign because everything is absorbed by the placenta or the other baby.  

However, she mentioned that the placenta is right over the cervix which could have caused the spotting and she recommended not to have any sex for a while.  She said that since it's early, it will probably move so it shouldn't be an issue.  So, I'm a little confused on what happened.  Unfortunately, I have to wait until Monday, again, before I can talk to my OB.  But, it takes them up to 5 days to get the results.  This is a little frustrating.  

Re: NT Scan Update

  • Sorry that you are getting conflicting stories.  Hope OB can clear things up soon.

    My OB also told me no intercourse b/c of the clot.  And he didn't give us any sign as to when we could resume... which totally sucks b/c we haven't since early Mar b/c of all the procedure.  Poor DH.  : (

    -- Jackie
    "If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • We haven't either since I saw the first drop of blood.  I'll definitely wait to speak to OB just to be safe. 
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  • That is confusing! Maybe you had/have both things going on: the vanishing twin, which has already absorbed, and the low-lying placenta. I hope you get some answers on Monday.
  • I had bleeding in my first trimester with Alexis and after 3 separate u/s they were able to determine that it was placenta previa (the placenta was covering the cervix, though it was not complete previa.  They said it would move up and out of the way by 20 weeks and they were right it did.  After the first round of bleeding, I never bled anymore.  I was also told to take it easy and no sex.
    image image

  • Hopefully you don't have to wait to long for some clear answers. My OB usually got the results w/i a couple days. Maybe they say 5 just to be safe.


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