
How long do inductions take?!

Ack, having 2 kids I know that labor can be a long long process. (Even though dd #2 was a scheduled C!)

Anyway, SIL was induced last night at 8 pm and no one has heard anything. I'm dying to know if I have a niece or nephew!

I'm expecting something by 6 pm (PST). Is that realistic?!

Re: How long do inductions take?!

  • Everyone is different. I went in at 8pm with DS, was complete by 11am and pushed for two hours, only to end up a C-Section and DS being born at 2:39pm. But, some take a couple of days! GL to your SIL!
    Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
    Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
  • I was induced for all three deliveries....1st was just shy of 20 hrs, 2nd was 12.5 hrs, 3rd was 12 hrs, but spent nearly 2 hours after I was fully dilated to  get an OR (twins have to be delivered in an OR). 


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  • My mom was induced with both my sister and me. I was born relatively quckly, but I know she was in labor for at least a day with my sister once she was induced.
    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
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  • Mine were 5, 3 and 3.5 hrs, but it can vary greatly, and can fail.
    3 boys (15, 8, 6), 1 girl (4)
  • Man, waiting for someone you love to have a baby is more nervewracking than being IN labor yourself!!!

    Thanks, ladies...

  • Mine was less than 4 hours (3 hrs, 46 minutes exact).
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  • Everyone is different and responds differently to the induction methods.  Some respond well and have very quick labors while others don't respond much at all, have a failed induction and never progress.  I was one of the ones that responded well.  I went in on a Sunday night around 8:30, was hooked up to all the monitors and the IV and had the cervadil placed by 10 pm.  They removed it at 6 am and started the pitocin to get my labor started at 6:45 am.  My son was born at 1:30 pm.  From the start of pitocin until birth was 6 hours, 45 minutes.
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  • I was one on the long end. They started Pitocin at 5PM Monday. Tuesday Cytotec was placed. Then Tuesday about 6PM Cytotec was placed again. Tuesday 10PM they ruptured my water. Wednesday 6:30AM my DD was born. So from the start of pitocin it was 39 hours.
  • I began an induction on Friday night and did not have DS until 2pm on Sunday (vis c/s) - it sucked majorballs.


    ETA: That was at 42 weeks pregnant- yep 42 weeks pregnant with an almost 48 hour induction - my body does NOT know how to go into labor.

  • With DD#1, who was born 11 days after her EDD,  it was 48 hours of labor before she was born (the Pitocin did nothing & I didn't have her until they took me off of it!).

    I was induced at 11am with DS#2 & he was born at 8pm on the head, so 9 hours for me, but that was also baby #4 for me.

  • I was given cervidil the night before.  Went into labor at 5 am, started pitosin (sp?) at 8, baby at 5:00.  DS was natural, started labor at 6:00 (like first contraction), he was born at 11:15, and would have come sooner if the doctor had been on time. 
  • Depends.  Once they start the pitocin, it's usually about 10-12 hours (on average) according to my CNM.  Of course, it could be 2 hours and could be 24 or whatever.  They might do something to soften her cervix.  With DD#1, I was given one dose of cervadil first before starting pitocin.  They left that in for 12 hours and then decided if they were going to give me another one or start the pitocin and the "real" induction.  We went to pit but they might have even given her another dose of something like that before starting the pit.  Still, I would think you'd hear something soon.
  • With DS I went in the night before for Cervidil, OB ccame in at 8am and broke my water and started pit, I had him at 1pm, with DD I went at 7am, started pit, and OB came in abd broke my water, I had at 12;45. This baby I'm already 4cm dilated and will be induce on 4/27 if I make it. Like all the PP said everyone is different.
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