Me and some neighbors are having a yard sale this wknd. Signs got posted yesterday pm. A guy comes to my house looking for an infant carrier for his granddaughter. I know they last six or seven years, mine is from 2006. I can't remember how much I paid for it but it is in good condition, obviously, or I wouldn't be trying to sell it given that it's a travel system. He asked, I said $50, but he's a poor guy, wanted other stuff I had too, don't know him but bought the story, and I ended up giving it to him for $20. I'm okay with that - it is almost four years old. Sold him a pink little push button 4-wheeler for $20, the FP fish swing for $20 and Ethan's stroller that is pretty beat up for another $10.
That's alright, right?
I could have very easily said "you don't have $50 for the carrier/stroller but you're giving me $70 in total for all this other sh*t?" But obviously I wasn't going to be rude. Plus, they didn't have room in the car at that point but he gave me the cash anyway and came back a few hours later to get the stuff.
ETA - on the *rude* comment, i guess what i mean is that given the other stuff he wanted, i could have stuck firm to my $50 on the carrier and he either wanted it or not. i just like it wasn't right to do that though.
Re: What is a good price for a used infant carrier/stroller?
I would just be glad to have the stuff out of my house!
Sounds like he was happy - you are pretty happy. Win for everyone.
Well, that's how I am too. But times are tight and I need to sell anything I can. I lost my job yesterday. Business is slow and not picking up.
They already had a car seat but was rather beat up. They wanted a pink one and I had one. Now had they shown up with no car seat (they had the baby girl with them) and depending on how the negotiating panned out, I may have anyway.