This is like the third one I've done, mostly because I'm obsessive, but also we found out that the size we used wouldn't be accepted by some of the agencies our consultant works with. I reworked it to fit a smaller size, and ended up changing the pictures and working around once again. I need to get this finalized already!
I find creating the profile so difficult because it's hard to know if the words and pictures are really giving a good sense of our lives and who we are since all of the info is obviously so familiar to us.
Will you take a look at our profile and please give me some constructive criticism? Do you feel like you really get a sense of who we are from the book?
Thank you! Also, is anyone willing to share yours with me?
Re: Will you critique our profile book?
You did a really nice job -- love the photos and love what you wrote about each other and your lives.
Two things stood out to me -- the photo on the cover is very cute, but you can't see your eyes/faces very well. You might want to consider a picture where you can really see your eyes. Our caseworker suggested this strongly to us.
The other thing was - I think page 4 - has all writing. You might want to break it up with a photo or two.
I was going to send the link to our profile, but our agency took it off their site. I'll see if I can pm you a copy.
You did a really beautiful job! I hope mine will turn out as well. It looks like you've put alot of thought into it.
P.S. On page 2 where your talking about your career, there is a word missing when talking about your firm. "She is a lawyer and practices family law and child advocacy at (a) firm....... :-)
I can't suggest anything on the adoptive parent end, but I will say that when my friend was a BM, she told me that she picked the couple with the most genuine smiles.
To be perfectly honest, they weren't the most attractive, didn't have the best house, didn't have the most lucrative careers, but to the BM they looked the happiest.
So, ditto the PP that said to start with the best face forward picture you've got. The BM wants to see you happy and smiling and know that it's real.
Same here. I remember seeing your old one, but this one I can't view.
Hmmm, I guess you have to download something to view the profile? It's strange if you could see my old one and not this one, though, because I used the same website.
Thanks everyone for the suggestions! I will put a different picture on the front, and I'm glad that someone noticed the typo!!
Maybe I looked at it at home (on a PC), and here at work I'm on a Mac... I'll check it out when I come home.
As a birthmother (adoption will be 5 years ago this year), I'll say I loved your profile.
One of the things that attracted me was LOTS of photos, and an obvious real effort. Some profiles were very...bare white and just a lot of words and paper, which is fine, but I am drawn to creative and exuberant people.
I'll also be honest and say that your careers and educations are appealing. I grew up poor in a family that struggled, and didn't want that for my child. I was giving her up so she'd have a better life,and wanted a family that could assure that. I ended up choosing a doctor and an interior designer.