I am going in for a consult tomorrow (CD3) to get a chance to talk to the RE and see where he thinks all of this is going and what our next steps are. We just finished 2 failed IUIs and I feel like I dont have many answers (he has never said YOU HAVE PCOS, OR YOU HAVE THIS). Also I want to know if DH might have a morph issue because this wasnt tested in his SAs that i know of. I could really use some ideas for questions to ask tomorrow! Any ideas for me ladies?
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Re: I could really use your help please!
It sounds like you've had some testing. I notice your progesterone was really low your first Clomid cycle. My RE states that means the eggs weren't of good quality that were released. Not that your entire egg quality is bad, just that specific cycle, maybe ask him about that. That could explain that failure. Have you had your full CD 3 bloodwork, FSH, E2 etc done? How many follicles do you produce? Have you had a saline u/s? Those are things I'd want ordered if they can't find a specific problem.
Unfortunately, it's not super unusual for Clomid and IUI not to work so then you have to move on to something else. I have a friend that did 7 cycles of IUI and Femara with great follicles, decent sperm etc. No luck, she's in her first IVF right now, produced 30 eggs, 25 mature, 19 fertilized and as of yesterday (Day 4) all 19 were still growing. So, it looks like egg and sperm are good for them, but IUI just wasn't cutting it. I hope you have a great appt.
Thank you for all the great ideas! I answered your questions below
Have you had your full CD 3 bloodwork, FSH, E2 etc done? I asked last cycle if I could do this and he said it was unnecessary without a full injectable cycle. which i dont know if I agree with.
How many follicles do you produce? I had two mature follies IUI#2 (IUI#1 was a crap cycle.... clomid didnt work... follie check was too soon and had nothing over 12mm, he did the IUI like 6 days later and it was just crap... he apologized and said we werent going to hope on anymore cycles bc my body def doesnt respond too well)
Have you had a saline u/s? No, what is that? what does it show?
One more question have you had an HSG? That is the dye test where they check to see if your tubes are open. Another friend did 5 rounds of Femara (similar to Clomid) and IUI before finally demanding an HSG. She found that both her tubes were blocked so all that IUI was a waste!
Some RE's wait to run the HSG, cycle day 3 bloodwork and saline u/s, but truthfully, if I had it to do over again, I'd demand it all up front because then, I can either know everything is fine, or get the negative news all at once and go from there. If my GYN hadn't ordered an HSG, my RE wouldn't have at the beginning and I would have paid for two IUIs where the only follicles were on my right side where my tube is blocked.
If you are under 30, they might not be as concerned with doing everything up front thinking that time is on your side. I just know I freaked over every new test that had to be run so having them all at once would've helped my piece of mind. The saline u/s is a quick procedure where they shoot saline inside your uterus while taking an u/s to view the inside of the uterus.
The above is just my two cents because truthfully, if you are young it may just take a few cycles of ovulation induction with meds to get your BFP!! I hope it happens soon!
This is interesting. Full day 3 testing was the 1st thing my RE wanted to see after our initial meeting. 1st month day 3 testing, next month HSG with a complete SA and then meet again once all testing complete to come up with a treatment plan.
Ask him why he hasn't run all the diagnostic tests. Good luck.
I just turned 25 last week and that is something they keep stressing, that i am young. That is why they didnt want to do CD3 bloodwork they said.
I did not have an HSG yet because I asked to put it off. They didnt think that with my symptoms that it was a tube issue so I requested to try a few IUIs first before spending a TON of money on the HSG. That is one of the things I am going to talk to him about tomorrow- seeing if he thinks it is important to do it now. i will also ask about the saline ultrasound.
thank you SOOOOOOOO much for your help! It means the world to me that I can get advice from your girls!
TTC since August 2008
IVF#1: BFFN; IVF#2: BFN; FET with new RE: BFN
IVF#3: ER 1/15; ET 1/20; Beta#1 1/29: 339!
Twins girls born via c/s at 37w/3d!!
"Let it go, this too shall pass."