oh yeah, that's right Miss Bea, you're having identical twin boys!!
update: sharing one placenta, although they are still unsure about if they are sharing a sac or in 2 separate ones. They "strongly believe" they are in separate ones, but the membrane is so extremely thin, it is very hard for them to be 100% sure.
Had a 1 1/2 hour u/s (not fun), because the doc was so concerned about being able to see if they shared a sac or not. He told me of the worse case scenario if they shared one and it was not good. As much as I hated to hear it, I had to. I like this doc, he's the no nonsense doc I had last time at the High Risk office. We discussed it and he decided to prick me only once, in the sac/area that seemed to have the largest room available. The u/s readings were very good, their sizes are still the same, their nuchal measurements are perfect and their hb's are at 58 and 63. So far, so good.... I am crossing my fingers it stays like this and that the results of the amnio are good.
It's true about the amnio, the stress before it is MUCH, MUCH worse than the actual amnio part.. I have to admit, I didn't feel a thing, a little tiny bit of pressure, but nothing more.. I didn't look (didn't want too) but my DH was looking and making sure he didn't touch baby A. Thank you for all your wam wishes and encouraging words, I kept remembering them before I went in.
I just got out of bed, i've been laying down/sleeping for the most part of the day ... and I never sleep in the afternoon. I think the stress and anxiety about all this just made me a nervous wreck and after all the info and everything this morning, my body just "let go" if you know what I mean. So i'm taking it very easy the rest of the afternoon. We're most likely going to order in and watch a movie and then back to bed! LOL