Baby Names

Excel spreadsheet of baby names

I just made one to help me organize myself on baby names. Here are the columns I have: full name, nickname (if any), popularity rank #, meaning, pros, cons. The girls' names are in pink and boys' in blue.

This has helped DH and I discuss names and narrow our list. Just thought I'd share :)

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Re: Excel spreadsheet of baby names

  • Sounds like a really good idea! Thanks for sharing.
    DS 12/18/2011
    DD 8/28/2014
    DD 5/24/2016, stillborn at 40 weeks
  • I have a spreadsheet of baby names and I am not even pregnant yet...  Its a great idea..
    ~Cheryl and Frank~ 06/28/08
    TTC since Sept 2009, 2 uterine septum surgeries (Jan and March 2011), 1 chemical pregnancy (4/11), 1 ectopic pregnancy (8/11), and missed m/c at 11w5d (3/12)
    Failed IVF #1 (July 2012)
    FET #1 October/November 2012 BFP, m/c at 5 3/7
    February - operative hysteroscopy
    Late April/May FET #2

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  • So dorky...yet, so something I will do when I'm pg again :)
    S- March 09 E- Feb 12 L- May 15

  • My DH did something simple but along those lines...he started 2 tables on Word, but since we're doing a family name no matter what for the middle name, it was just a chance to look at the names all together.

    Plus we can keep the list for if we decide to have another child.  =)

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  • Thanks for sharing!  That totally sounds like something I need to do... if not for the actual functionality of it then just because I love to organize things into tables.
    My best friend, my husband, my everything
    Matthew Kevin
    7/31/83-7/20/11 image
    Met 1/8/00
    Engaged 4/21/06
    Married 9/29/07
    Two beautiful legacies: Noah Matthew (2 yrs) and Chloe Marcella (8 mos)
    Day Three
  • We had our name picked before I even got pregnant but that is definitely something I would do. I'm a spreadsheet whore.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Very organized! Good idea!

  • Hee Hee, me too. So my spreadsheet has each first name and a list of middle names I would consider to go with it.  I also have the ranking but I used the ranking from NameNerds, since they combine different spellings of the same name from the SSA ranking to get an accurate ranking.  I am also thinking of adding the NameMapper info from BabyWizard, to get an idea of how popular names are in my state.  Oh...the organizing to do Stick out tongue
  • I totally have one of these from the 1st baby.  I'll one up you on nerdiness, mine includes a column for the corresponding saint's name & feast day. 
    Married 9-4-04

    ***PM me for my IF history***

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