
HAHA Brother! Not Funny!!!!

My big brother just called that his wife went into labour last night (She is 38weeks) and she delivered not just one baby but TWINS!!!!

I was like: WHAT????!!!! But she has had several ultra sounds!!?? How did they miss the 2nd baby?!!??!

Brother: That's your answer to the awesome news of my children's birth? No congrats on my girls?

Me: GIRLS??? REALLY?!! OMG I don't even know what....

B: -dead serious- Ohh Nic!! Pull yourself together! There's only one baby and Pam is fine. No signs on labour yet. Just wanted to keep you updated. How are my nieces?

Me: I will never talk to you again!!! EVER!!! -hung up-

YEP. That's my lovely brother giving me a heart attack while I'm cleaning my kitchen. I'm still in shock. Gotta love him...

Re: HAHA Brother! Not Funny!!!!

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