My big brother just called that his wife went into labour last night (She is 38weeks) and she delivered not just one baby but TWINS!!!!
I was like: WHAT????!!!! But she has had several ultra sounds!!?? How did they miss the 2nd baby?!!??!
Brother: That's your answer to the awesome news of my children's birth? No congrats on my girls?
Me: GIRLS??? REALLY?!! OMG I don't even know what....
B: -dead serious- Ohh Nic!! Pull yourself together! There's only one baby and Pam is fine. No signs on labour yet. Just wanted to keep you updated. How are my nieces?
Me: I will never talk to you again!!! EVER!!! -hung up-
YEP. That's my lovely brother giving me a heart attack while I'm cleaning my kitchen. I'm still in shock. Gotta love him...
Re: HAHA Brother! Not Funny!!!!
ahhh, brothers!
he should've done that two weeks ago on april 1!
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
We already joked that if she went into labour on April 1 none would believe them. But I should always expect something like that. He's a dork!
I think it's hilarious! But at that moment I was soo in shock! You're allowed to laugh
BFP #2 10/13/2009 on our 2nd Wedding Anniversary
Discovered TWINS during the 6w u/s - what a shocker!
Delivered on 5/19/2010 at 34 weeks due to pre-e and HELLP syndrome
The Bump MoM Recipe Collection