check out this pic.. thought some of you would enjoy....!/photo.php?pid=31246642&o=all&op=1&view=all&subj=367776042862&aid=-1&id=1162721579&oid=367776042862
found through this article... teen in MS banned from prom and then led to a fake prom is going to be the grand marshall at the nyc gay pride parade.
I'm still not over the fact that parents actually staged a fake prom and held a secret prom for their kids... parents of the year? lol morons. makes me embarrassed to have been born in that state.
Re: OMG, I <3 Doogie...
That picture of NPH - best. Ever. LMAO
There are no words for how stupid the fake prom thing is, dear god.
I Puffy Pink Heart NPH.
As for the school...there are no words. Oh, I thought of one! A-HOLES.
Reason number 61498761987 why I don't like this state (as a whole).