I remember with DS I was on the percocets for something like 2 weeks. I'm now on day 6 with DD, and I'm taking one percocet and one prescription motrin every 6 hours. It's covering the pain very well, but the percocets are knocking me on my ass! I need the pain control becuase of running around after my 3 year old. DH is doing 99% of it, but jeez I can't just lie in bed all day and fall asleep!!
Michelle, Happily married to R 2006,
StepMom to P,
Mama to R and E.
SAHM and weekend NICU nurse

Re: C-section pain control....c'mon in!
Can you call your Dr. and ask for something else? If this is just day 6, you do need to still rest A LOT imo. Yes you need to be up and walking too, but not too much. It IS major abdominal surgery.
I don't know anything about which pain killers are on what level... but maybe vicodin or codeine would be less drowsy but still more then motrin? Or maybe there is a less strong percoset? (not sure what strength you have)?
I will be having a repeat c-section if I ever get pg! But I heard from 1 other Mom that it was more pain after the 2nd c-section. (NOT saying that's true for you or others, but that's what she mentioned).
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo