
C-section pain control....c'mon in!

I remember with DS I was on the percocets for something like 2 weeks.  I'm now on day 6 with DD, and I'm taking one percocet and one prescription motrin every 6 hours.  It's covering the pain very well, but the percocets are knocking me on my ass!  I need the pain control becuase of running around after my 3 year old.  DH is doing 99% of it, but jeez I can't just lie in bed all day and fall asleep!!
Michelle, Happily married to R 2006,
StepMom to P, Mama to R and E.
SAHM and weekend NICU nurse

Re: C-section pain control....c'mon in!

  • As hard as it is, don't take it if it's knocking you out.  Just double up on the Motrin. 
  • take one percoset at bedtime, but just do motrin the rest of the day. 
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  • Can you call your Dr. and ask for something else? If this is just day 6, you do need to still rest A LOT imo. Yes you need to be up and walking too, but not too much. It IS major abdominal surgery.

    I don't know anything about which pain killers are on what level... but maybe vicodin or codeine would be less drowsy but still more then motrin? Or maybe there is a less strong percoset? (not  sure what strength you have)?

     I will be having a repeat c-section if I ever get pg! But I heard from 1 other Mom that it was more pain after the 2nd c-section. (NOT saying that's true for you or others, but that's what she mentioned).

  • and YES, it is ok to lay in bed all day.  You just had a major operation.
  • Um, if your DH is home....take advantage of that!  Lay in bed.  Let yourself heal.  Because I'm sure the day will come where he won't be there and you will kick yourself for not taking advantage of it while he is there!
  • What about just alternating Tylenol and Motrin? I'm a PP nurse and we recommend this for our patients. I'd save the Percocets for at night when you need them if you can get away with just Tylenol. Smile GL!
    Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
    Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
  • When I had my 2nd cs, i took 600 mg motrin Q6, if i could make it that long. I would take the percocets at nite bc they made me dizzy. What helped me was to take the motrin every 6 hrs whether i would be in pain or not. Atleast for the first 8-10 days to break the pain cycle. It was much better to have it in my system b4 the pain got bad. Good luck! Try to stay off of your feet ( easier said than done)!
  • Have you tried just sticking with the motrin and taking percocet at night? I was able to get by with just motrin as soon as I got home from the hospital with DD#1 with my scheduled c-section. You can take up to 800mg at time every 6-8 hours. An ice pack on the incision helped too. We went for a short walk with dd in her stroller when I was only a week or so postpartem. I was slow going, but it does help to stay moving.
    Child #1: 6 yo DD Child #2: 2yo DD
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