
SIL delivered her baby but....

....i don't hear about it until well over 24 hours later.  Surely the IL's would have called but since those issues last week and we're not speaking right now, I'm obviously not surprised the call was left up to the new parents (bil/sil) to call and let us know.  I think it's really sh*tty that your own brother (patrick's brother) can't call a few hours later to say we had the baby or call on the way to the hospital saying this is probably it and we'll call you soon.

She had an almost 9lb boy with a ton of blonde hair, forehead first, two hours of pushing, non-stitched up tear, cord around the neck, precautionary nicu visit, she goes home today, he'll probably stay an extra day just to make sure he's okay.

Re: SIL delivered her baby but....

  • that was real sh*tty of them! sorry : (
  • Family really sucks right now.  I never thought there would be these issues with IL's.  My own family has been out of my life for over ten years now - they are some twisted toxic people although they'd never treat me and patrick the way the IL's have lately.  They're twisted in different ways. 

    I'd like to think it's obviously got to be me, but I really know that i'ts not.

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  • that sucks. you'd think the GPs could at least call and let you know.  I wouldn't blame the parents.  we had a stressful pg and delivery and I was out of it after dd's birth.  dh called our parents that night (1am) and that was it.  we were exhausted after 2 days of induction and I was on mag.  he called some others the next day, but we relied heavily on our parents to call much of the family. sometimes the parents are dealing with enough... maybe they were relying on the GPs to call.  

    sorry your feelings are hurt. it does stink when you feel left out.  

  • Maybe I'm weird, but I wouldn't "expect" to hear immediately from family members....and I also didn't call everyone right away either.  Some people like some time to themselves before being crowded with visitors. I guess I've called within 24 hours, but not that much sooner.  That included my own mother.  She didn't know until AFTERWARDS for 2 of my pregnancies, which I'm sure some people can't imagine.

    Also, isn't it possible the IL's didn't know that the brother didn't call you guys?  Maybe they assumed the brother would call. 


  • imageDandR:

    Maybe I'm weird, but I wouldn't "expect" to hear immediately from family members....and I also didn't call everyone right away either.  Some people like some time to themselves before being crowded with visitors. I guess I've called within 24 hours, but not that much sooner.  That included my own mother.  She didn't know until AFTERWARDS for 2 of my pregnancies, which I'm sure some people can't imagine.

    Also, isn't it possible the IL's didn't know that the brother didn't call you guys?  Maybe they assumed the brother would call. 


    I'm certain no assumptions were made on either side.  I'm also certain the MIL/FIL have not been quiet to SIL/BIL about the recent blowout between us and made it clear that if anyone calls us, it will not be them.  You're right, it's not unheard of to not be immediately called.  Some of us make calls to people as we're pushing (haha) and some want their privacy and wait hours or days later, that's all fine and dandy.  My issue is that it was not that way with my first nephew so I didn't expect it this time either. 

    I realize I am being a total baby about this and BIL calling much later than expected shouldn't be a huge deal.  I do just seriously feel very left out.  And probably all it boils down to is that I never had a sister, I want a sister, I have three half sisters that dont even know about me because my mother whored around and then my bio-father did too and a SIL was my last hope at having a sister and she's got her own and just isn't a touchy feely type of person anyway.

    Yes I'm pmsing.  CD28 yesterday AF in full force.  I probably won't even give a *** about any of this in another day or two.

  • is this the SIL that made it a point to comment about your wonderful baby shower gift? If so...I am not surprised. Don't let it bother you.
  • ok, what is the IL drama?
  • imagexbrooklyngrl:
    is this the SIL that made it a point to comment about your wonderful baby shower gift? If so...I am not surprised. Don't let it bother you.

    That's the one.  I'm just having a major moment of weakness and letting everything under the sun bother me right now.

  • Mel, here's this.  Let me know what holes I need to fill in.  The beginning of the post is referring to Klonopin - I was needing more after taking some earlier in the evening on Thursday night and was asking dosing questions.

    This does not get talked about on FB.


  • Speaking of not being informed on family issues. Dh niece is having surgery today. Think anyone woulda called to let us know about it? Its a pretty extensive surgery, and she is a pre schooler. Guess how we found out?! FB!!! Wtf?! We dont have a bad relationship w them, but they choose to include friends in on everything and leave family out of the loop. Whatever... Its their choice, but if something terrible were to happen, its pretty crappy that they didnt even inform family.
  • I'm sorry shiloh. 


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