How do you spell "E-V" Evie? Evey? Is there a more proper name for this?
I know someone who calls their little girl "E-V" but I'm pretty sure its a nn for something more. Evelyn maybe? But would that have the hard E sound or would it be "eh-VEE"?
I think "ee-vee" is a cute nick name for a little girl, but I feel like it needs something more (and a correct spelling..)
Re: How do you spell this
I would spell it "Evie."
I can see how some may want to say "eh-vee" but I don't like it with two E's.
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My high school drill team instructor's name was Eve but we all called her Miss Evie I also know a woman named Evelyn and she goes by Evie. I think that if you have the name Eve somewhere in your name, you could go by both Eve and by Evie. I personally think Genevieve with nn Evie is adorable.
I agree.
This. Pronounced E-V