So, I posted yesterday that I did my first round of injections and it went great. I was so relieved and happy.
Well.... last night.... not so much. I basically had a meltdown (tears and all) and significant anxiety.
I think part of it is timing - my husband and I work different hours so he has has to wake me up when he gets home to help (and for whatever odd reason I've actually been sleeping really well the last few nights which is a major rarity). He's also not a "pro" at this and both nights we've had some "issues" the first he double stuck me, but it honestly didn't really hurt that much. Last night, he didn't even warn me and it hurt like CRAZY.
So now, I just don't think I can do this. Honestly. The thought of doing this everynight is making me panic. Like, really..... panic. Especailly knowing I'm going to have to add a third shot w/a larger needle and then the dreaded PIO.
The nurse at my REs says she'll give me the shots herself but when I think about it I get anxious and teary. I don't know what to do. I'm shocked by the depth of my fear and anxiety. I had no idea I would react this way. I don't normally have needle issues. I normally don't have anxiety issues, either.
I've been dodging dealing with this all day because I literally feel sick to my stomach. I don't think I can do this.
Any good advice?
I'm sorry I'm a wuss and a flip-flopper.
Re: Help. I'm panicking
When I was getting my injections, I'd turn on some music that pumped me up and try to just tune into that. Also, I thought to myself that with each shot, we were making more progress. Good luck! It will be over before you know it - honestly, it goes so fast.
C/P- at 6 weeks
5 IUI's= BFN
Dx: Endo stage 1 : evevated FSH (11.3)
IVF#1: 3dt 2 8 cell, grade 1 embyos :bfn
~A lotus springs from mud~ Chinese proverb
I'm not sure if this is an option but I did all my own subcu shots myself. DH was there with me but it gave me a sense of calm and control to do them myself. He does my PIO now but I can do them if I need to.
Hang in there, it is scary and intimidating but you will get the hang of it and it will all be worth it in the end. Meltdowns are totally normal.
Thank you all SO much.
I just gave myself the sub-cu follistim and I made it!
I just have to wait for the hubs to get home for the menopur b/c it's IM, and I just don't know how to even attempt that.
Thank you thank you thank you for the support. You are all amazing. AMAZING.
I was feeling doubly bad because I felt stupid for being so nervous. Helps so much to know I'm not the only one.
This exactly! Hugs to you! I am glad you were able to do your was rough on me too but when I was doing it, it was easier. And my DH is a dentist and gives injections every day!