
My twins are here!

My beautiful babies are here!  They arrived on March 30, 2010 at 35w4d.  K, my son, was born at 6:30pm, weighing 4lbs7oz and 18 1/2 in.  S, my daughter, was born at 6:31pm, weighing 4lbs7oz and 18 in.  We delivered c-section due to preeclampsia.  Babies never had to go into NICU, makes me think the steroid shots did their magic.  We did stay in the hospital from Tues until Sat afternoon.  They are now two weeks old and I am completely in love!  I never knew anything could feel this great!  All my time is taken up by doctor's appts, for me and the babies, feedings, diapers, and very little sleep.  At their last doctor's appt, they were 1w3d, my little boy was back to 4lbs7oz and my little girl was 4lbs3oz.  They are beautiful!

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