Baby Names

Battle of the twin and I

So, my twin and I are emailing names back and forth and somehow it escalated into some held back feelings on her part!  Her name is Ashleigh and my name is Anissa.  I have always LOVED having a unique name, that is not too wierd to pronounce or spell.  We were debating the convenience of a common name vs. an original name.  Apparently my name has inconvenienced her, her whole life.  She hates having to tell people it more than once and spelling it for them.  I of course apologized for being so selfish to have a name that inconvenienced her like that! 

Do you guys like having unique or common names?  I am not talking unique like ridiculous.

Re: Battle of the twin and I

  • I have a common, somewhat uniquely spelled name. I would have preferred to have a name that I could just go by my first name rather then First plus last initial. For example, in the waiting room at a doctors office - they call my first name - I have to look around and make sure no one else stands. Then when they do I have to say is it Kristine B? I kind of stopped spelling it out years ago unless the spelling of my name mattered. So at places like a restaurant or something I just say my name is Kristine, the hostess can spell it how she wants.

     My sisters name is a lot less common then mine. Spell it how it sounds - easy. I do not hold resentment towards her. But I think it is neat that when people say her name, she knows it is her. 


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  • Haha yes, how incredibly selfish of you....!

    My first name is Dana, and I like that it's a little different.  I mean, it's not totally out there, it's spelled "correctly", people have heard of it... BUT I only knew 2 other people with my name when I was growing up (and they both went to different schools). 

    Funny though, when I went to college, I was one of 3 Dana's on my crew team (although one spelled it Danah).  Still, it's fairly uncommon, and I like that.

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  • Unique or common, people don't get it right 100% of the time anyways. Mine is Megan and you'd think that's easy enough but nooo... people add extra a's, h's, and e's and throw society off. And then if its spelled right people don't always pronounce it right.. they try saying Maaagan. (The three a's exaggerate how they drow out the "a" sound that isn't even how you pronounce it.)

    Get the point? There's no winning pretty much no matter the name.

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  • I always loved my normal but not common name, Angela. I was always the only Angela in my class but everyone knew how to say it. I'm hoping for the same for my LO!

    DH, on the other hand, has a super common Hispanic name. To make it worse, it is even more common with his middle name - Juan Carlos. He doesn't hate it but he does wish it were a bit more creative.

  • My name is Jennifer.  I don't mind having a common name and I like that I don't have to spell it.  Although I do for important things because some people use one n or two fs.  

    However, I wouldn't go so common for my child. 

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  • I have unique. It's Karina. Not unheard of but growing up I was the only one anyone I knew had ever known. You can't find your name on premanufactured items. Everything has to be customized but my biggest issue was when people misspronounce it. I get called Katrina a lot. My name is not a typo.

    I did the same thing (sort of) to my daughter though. Her name is Shaughnessy

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  • imageCutieBean79:

    My name is Jennifer.  I don't mind having a common name and I like that I don't have to spell it.  Although I do for important things because some people use one n or two fs.  

    However, I wouldn't go so common for my child. 

    I knew a Jenifer in high school, and she hated the spelling. Also, I could squeeze your two kitties!

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  • I love my uncommon name. And although I have to spell it out to strangers even though it's only two syllables, once they can say it I get compliments and I have never met anyone else face to face with my name.
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  • As someone named Katie, I remember not even answering people in the halls of my high school unless I heard my last name with it.  There are so many Katies (my full name is Kathryn)!!!

    That being said, I LOVE my name.  Its classic and beautiful-if it wasn't my name I'd use it for my daughter.  I plan to give my daughter a traditional name as well.  I think my parents did a great job of giving me a classic first name and a semi-unique middle name (Blair)-I guess for my family it's unique because my sisters mns are Anne and Marie. 

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  • imagemegjr8:

    Unique or common, people don't get it right 100% of the time anyways. Mine is Megan and you'd think that's easy enough but nooo... people add extra a's, h's, and e's and throw society off. And then if its spelled right people don't always pronounce it right.. they try saying Maaagan. (The three a's exaggerate how they drow out the "a" sound that isn't even how you pronounce it.)

    Get the point? There's no winning pretty much no matter the name.

    Haha I had to laugh at this-my sister is named Megan and it gets mispronounced quite often!  So many people say Magen or Maegen-drives her nuts!

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  • DH's name is very off-the-beaten-track and no one ever, ever, ever gets it right the first time they hear it at a party or hear me say it. It used to annoy me, but I've become as immune to it now as he has. (Sorry, I don't post the name here because it would be easy enough to google our names together and find out exactly who I am IRL, that's how "uneek" his name is.)

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  • I like common names.
  • I like semi-unique names. My name is Danielle- super common and people still mess it up all the time. I ended up going by Dani my whole life because kids couldn't say it in preschool or spell my name correctly in grade school. I think no matter what name you pick, unless it is Mary or Sue, is going to give some people trouble.
  • I'm Brooke, and though it's not common, it's not out there. I've only met a few others, and I like that. I never question whether someone is talking about me or some other Brooke. It does, however, get misspelled as Brook a lot, particularly by men.

     On the other side of the coin, my sister's name is Megan and my husband is Daniel. Though they both like their names, they don't really like being one of many. Especially my sister - she was born in 1985 and was always one of at least 3 Megans in her classes.

    My husband and I have agreed to find names more like mine - not necessarily common, but not weird. We want people to think, "you don't hear that often" in a good way.

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  • I just have to say I love your name, I knew a girl in middle school with the same name and always thought it was very pretty. I am going to add it to my list.

    My name is Krystal, which the name itself is not really that rare, it was fairly popular for kids my age, there were actually 3 of them in my grade in elementary. I don't hear it as much anymore. When people are spelling my name they sometimes ask, with a C or K? and others I have to correct, but I dont find that its a big deal. Its not that out there and I think the K makes the name look prettier, but I am biased :) So I guess my point is I like having a somewhat uncommon name.

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  • I love unique names. I don't have anything against most common names, but prefer the unique ones.

    I have a common name myself, but it can be spelled at least 9 different ways so I have had to spell it everywhere my entire life. We gave our daughter a unique name, but you can only spell it one way and no one  ever asks how to spell it.

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  • That is funny. I do not think Annisa is that hard to spell. Then again that is my cousins name.

     My name was always a pain growing up. People always said it wrong and a lot still do today.  It is Tara (like Sara) but everyone always say Tar-ah

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  • I love my name but the spelling is different.  It is Jaimee.  Though when I am on the phone with people they always think it is janie.  And it is never spelled right.  The only time it bothered me was when I was growing up, I could never find anything personalized with my correct spelling.  And I dont find it common but I know a few others.  Never spelled my way though, and I love that!
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  • I have a very plain sounding name but it isn't spelled in the traditional american version.  Aimee.   I actually love that it isn't Amy and altho people do pause when I am spelling it for them and sometimes get it wrong I think it always helped people remember it more that way.  I have definitely taken that into consideration when naming my DD's



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