So I was talking to my boss/ good friend/ fellow if'er yesterday about how now that I am going to the gym I have a place to escape to avoid babies, preggers, and IF crap. SO today I am on the treadmill and on the tv in front of me is some stupid reality show and the couple on it is at the RE's office to find out why they can't have a baby. REALLY!!!!!! I can't escape even for a 1/2 hr on the treadmill. thanks for listening.
Re: can't escape IF (short rant)
TTC since October 2007 DX: MFI
#1 & #2: Fall 2009 - 2 rounds of Clomid - BFN's
#3: April 2010: IVF w/ ICSI - BFP but then....blighted ovum, D&C 5/26/10
#4: 8/27/10 - FET = BFN
#5: FET #2 - 10/28/10, 2 embryos... BFN
#6: IVF w/ ICSI & AH ER 3/5/2011; 6-day trx 2 blasts 3/11 BFP!!! HB @ 6weeks but it was gone a few days later. D&C 4/8/11
#7: IVF w/ ICSI & AH ER 8/29/11; 6 day trx 2 blasts, BFP!! (3 totsicles too) HB seen at 7 weeks, but was gone at 8.5 weeks. D&C 10/14/11 HEARTBROKEN!!
#8 FET - 4/6/12, 1 embryo.....
**** SAIFW ****