My BIL just called. The doctors did a NST and the baby was sleepy and didn't want to move much, but that didn't concern them because she was very active last night and yesterday. They checked SIL and she's 3 cm dilated and 80 percent effaced, and they told her they don't know why her body is ready to have the baby or why the baby is so small. They said that they will deliver her on Friday and she might just be a small baby, or there might be something genetically wrong and she might not survive. They won't know until Friday. Is this a standard speech when a baby is born unexpectedly early? From ultrasounds the baby seems to have no problems physically with her organs or limbs or anything.
Re: SIL update.
ditto above... maybe there are indicators they're not telling them about, or maybe the doctor is just a twit. i haven't heard anyone say that they were told that.
good luck to your sister...we'll be hoping the delivery goes smoothly for them.
glad the new test went well... keep us posted!!
that doc seems very insensitive.