Hi, I have been TTC since about 2008. We had a m/c in January of 2008. The baby measured 8.5 weeks and I was in the 11th week at the time. After almost 2 years of BFFN's we finally went to an RE. At first the testing showed issues with DH's sperm, so he had to quit smoking. His sperm numbers started improving drastically, so they changed the diagnosis to unexplained. After 3 IUI's I finally got pregnant again, but unfortunately they found the baby growing in my right tube at 6 weeks 3 days. They tried to dissolve the pregnancy with metho, but that did not work and the pain got so bad that they had to remove the tube. B/C this last pregnancy has been so physically draining on me, we are going to wait a few months before going back to the RE to try again, but once we start trying again, I want to know my options. Please share your stories with me.
Have any of you had an ectopic before (with a removed tube) and did they let you do an IUI again? Did you get pregnant with the IUI after the ectopic? Did they make you go on to IVF after an ectopic?
Re: IUI after ectopic and loss of tube? (intro/history added)
:::butting in::: (I'm usually on the TTC 35+ board, but lurk here too)
I did have an ectopic (also on my R side) and they removed my tube. I was given the go ahead from my current RE to do IUIs...which now, I am getting ready to do my 3rd this Friday. (fingers crossed)
GL to you!!
:::butting out:::
8/08 BFP resulted in m/c
3/09 Polyp removed and dx MTHFR (both copies)
6 Clomid cycles, all BFN
5/09 IUI#1 with Clomid=BFN
6/09 IUI#2 with Clomid=BFN
8/09 IUI#3 with Clomid=BFN
IVF#3 ET 2 Grade A blasts 11/16/11
Beta #1: 485
Beta #2: 2,495