So not only did DH give me his nasty cold today, but my follicle check this morning was awful.
For my u/s I rotate between my doctor, Dr. M, and another RE Dr. W. Well, it was Dr. W today, and he must have been in a bad mood because he wasn't very pleasant or talkative at all, which is unusual. He wouldn't even answer my questions, and said that Dr. M would have to answer them instead.
There was a resident in the room too, and while they usually just watch, this time she was the one to do the u/s. Seriously, I could have done a better job than this girl, I wanted to grab the wand out of her hand. After a lot of poking and proding, Dr. W finally just took over and did the rest. All follicles were still under 10mm, so it doesn't look too good. There was one that maybe looked slightly bigger than the others, but I'm not holding my breath.
So now I just have to wait for the nurse to call me today, to see what my RE Dr. M wants to do. I'm hoping they will do another follicle check in 3 days, since I know some people respond late to Clomid. I just dont understand, though, how I responded to the 100mg and not the 150mg.
I just hate this. I'm gaining weight, have more acne than I did as a teen, still having hot flashes at CD 14, and I'm not even ovulating in return. I at least want a freaking chance at getting pregnant!
If you made it this far, thanks for listening.
Re: Clomid follicle check (long)